Appendix 6 - Safety and Emission Statement
CE Mark Warning
Oper ations in the 5. 15 - 5. 25GHz band ar e r es tr ic ted to indoor us age only.
T his is a Clas s B pr oduc t in a domes tic envir onment, this pr oduc t may c aus e r adio
inter f er enc e, in w hic h c as e the us er may be r equir ed to take adequate meas ur es
( 1) T he manuf ac tur er is not r es pons ible f or any r adio or T V inter f er enc e
c aus ed by unauthor ized modif ic ations to this equipment. ( 2) To avoid unnec es s ar y
r adiation inter f er enc e, it is r ec ommended to us e a s hielded RJ 45 c able.
FCC St at e m e nt
T his devic e is r es tr ic ted to be us ed in the indoor.
T his devic e c omplies w ith Par t 15 of the FCC Rules . Oper ation is s ubjec t to the
f ollow ing tw o c onditions : ( 1) T his devic e may not c aus e har mf ul i nter f er enc e, and
( 2) this devic e mus t ac c ept any inter f er enc e r ec eived, inc luding inter f er enc e that
may c aus e undes ir ed oper ation.
T his equipment has been tes ted and f ound to c omply w ith the limits f or a Clas s B
digital devic e, pur s uant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules . T hes e limits ar e des igned to
pr ovide r eas onable pr otec tion agains t har mf ul inter f er enc e in a r es idential
ins ta llat io n. T his equipment gener at es , us es and c an r adiate r adio f r equenc y ener gy
and, if not ins talled and us ed in ac c or danc e w ith the in s tr uc tions , may c aus e
har mf ul inter f er enc e to r adio c ommunic ations . How ever, ther e is no guar antee that
inter f er enc e w ill not oc c ur in a par tic ular ins ta llat ion. I f this equipment does c aus e
har mf ul inter f er enc e to r adio or televis ion r ec eption, w hic h c an be deter mined by
tur ning the equipment of f and on, the us er is enc our aged to tr y to c or r ec t the
inter f er enc e by one of the f ollow ing meas ur es :
Reor ient or r eloc ate the r ec eiving antenna.
I nc r eas e the s epar ation betw een the equipment and r ec eiver.
Connec t t he equipment into an outlet on a c ir c uit dif f er ent f r om the one that the
r ec eiver is c onnec ted.
Cons ult the manuf ac tur er or an exper ienc ed r adio/T V tec hnic ian f or help.
FCC Caut ion:
Any c hanges or modif ic ations not expr es s ly appr oved by the par ty
r es pons ible f or c omplianc e c ould void the us er ' s author ity to oper ate this
Summary of Contents for AMW-DBR 1200AC
Page 1: ...AMW DBR 1200AC Wireless AC1200 Dual band Router User Guide AtlasMediaCo com ...
Page 47: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 45 Click Add Select or enter your wireless MAC address and click Save ...
Page 85: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 83 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Page 87: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 85 6 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 TCP IPv4 and click Properties ...
Page 88: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 86 7 Select Obtain an IP address automatically and click OK ...
Page 89: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 87 8 Click OK on the Local Area Connection Properties window ...
Page 91: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 89 2 Click Network and Internet 3 Click Network and Sharing Center ...
Page 99: ...AMW DBR 1200AC 97 3 Select the wireless network and click Remove network ...