AT907 User Guide
Introduction to UHF RFID Features
The AT907 features a UHF RFID module with powerful Impinj's R2000 chip and 4 dBi Circular Polarization
Antenna. User can use the built-in demo application to collect UHF tag data, or user can develop own
application to collect barcode data.
The UHF RFID feature has different hardware configurations or frequency settings depending on
the country's frequency policy user want to use. Before using it, user needs to make sure that the
instrument is properly set up.
UHF RFID Demo Application
Execution of the UHF RFID Demo Application
User can collect data from UHF tags with the UHF RFID demo program installed on your instrument.
For detailed instructions on how to use the demo program, refer to the "RFID Demo User Guide"
included in the SDK.
Development of UHF RFID Functional Applications
User can develop their own applications and collect barcode data.