Program Special Sender
You cannot program senders as Special Senders if they do not have Own
Name or Own Fax Number programmed.
The machine cannot differentiate between Polling Reception and Free Polling
documents from Special Senders.
You cannot use the following functions with Internet Fax receptions.
• Authorized RX
• Memory Lock
You can program up to 24 characters for the sender.
To use Forwarding, Print 2 Sided, or Paper Tray with Internet Fax reception,
program the sender's e-mail address.
You can check Own Name and Own Fax Number using the Journal. You can
check programmed Special Senders using the specified sender list.
p.116 “Printing Special Sender List”
Authorized Reception
Use this function to limit incoming senders. The machine only receives faxes
from programmed Special Senders, and therefore, it helps you screen out un-
wanted documents, such as junk mail, and saves wasting fax paper.
To use this function, program the Special Senders function, and then select
"On" in "Authorized Reception" with "Reception Settings".
Without programming Special Senders, the Authorized RX function will not
work, even if you select "On".
If you select "Off" for "Authorized RX" in "Initial Set Up", settings are the same
as the Reception Settings.
You can change Special Senders in the same way as you program them.