Manual, Tool Changer, QC‑113
Document #9620‑20‑B‑113 Base Tool Changer‑05
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 •
3.3 Conditions for Uncoupling
Refer to your Air/Valve Adapter and/or Control/Signal Module Manual’s Operation section for operation
during coupling/uncoupling.
1. Move the robot to position the Tool plate in the tool stand. The position for coupling and
uncoupling are the same.
Depending on the type of control/signal module, additional notifications such as TSRV,
TSIV, and other notifications can provide verification of properly functioning system components.
2. Unlock the Tool Changer by releasing the air pressure from the lock port and supplying air pressure to
the unlock port. The Tool Changer locking mechanism moves to the unlocked position and the Tool plate
releases from the Master plate. (If equipped, the unlock sensor indicates the Tool Changer is unlocked).
For Tool Changers with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a double
solenoid valve, turn the Unlatch output ON and turn the Latch output OFF. For Tool Changers
with a control/signal module and air/valve adapters with a single solenoid valve, turn the
Unlatch output ON.
This Tool Changer may be equipped with a tool stand Interlock (TSI) feature
that physically breaks the Unlatch solenoid circuit. Proper use of the TSI prevents
unwanted Unlock software commands from being recognized until the circuit is made.
Make sure the Tool Changer is positioned properly to trip actuate the TSI switch when
the Tool is in the tool stand.
3. A sufficient delay must be programmed between unlocking valve actuation and robot motion so
that the unlocking process is complete before moving the robot. If equipped with lock and unlock
sensors, the Unlock signal should read “on” (true) and the Lock signal should read “off” (false).
other condition indicates a problem and the robot program should be halted.
Once the Lock and
Unlock signals in the proper state, the Master plate may be moved away from the Tool plate in the
axial direction.
The robot and Master plate can now proceed to another Tool plate for coupling and subsequent operations.
Tool Identification
When using multiple Tools, it is good practice to implement a Tool‑ID system that identifies each Tool
with a unique code. Tool-ID can be used to verify that the robot has picked up the proper Tool. Modules
with Tool-ID are available for purchase through the ATI website. Go to
for products available or contact ATI for assistance.