® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, 2018, All rights reserved. / Misprints and technical changes reserved / Issue: 08/2014
Lubrication plan
Multi-purpose grease
Multi-purpose grease
The lift has to be lubricated, cleanned. All the bent part, metal sheet’s edges respectively welding lines
have to be protected with
suitable greases and anticorosive inhibitors
Maintenance tips:
•The lift has to be cleaned and maintained in the regular intervals. (Regardless of the dirt that
•Remove all liquids and other impurities from the lifting platform immediately. The lifting
platforms have to be treated with a cleaning agent (e.g., oil or wax spray)
•Damages of the Painting, Zinc surfaces etc, have to be immediately fixed.
•In the case of Lifts which are installed/operated outdoor and do not have the appropriate
equipment (IP protection, galvanized version, etc.), no liability is assumed for all the damages
caused by external environmental influences.
•For detailed maintenance and care instructions, refer to the operating instructions.
Maintenance- and service instructions
Control of oil level
1. Lower the lift completely
2. Remove tank cap
3. Check the oil level on the tank cap
Oil change
1. Lower the lift completely.
2. Remove the oil filler screw.
3. Remove carefully the oil drain screw and drain the oil into a suitable container.
Clean the tank and oil filter to avoid an early contamination of the hydraulic oil.
4. After the complete draining of the oil lock the tank with the oil drain screw.
5. Fill the new oil into the tank.
6. Raise and lower the lift and check, if the maximum lifting height is still correct. If necessary refill carefully.
The used oil must be disposed under consideration of all legal regulations.
Bleeding of hydraulic system
For bleeding the hydraulic circuit keep the tank cap opened for the first 10 lifting movements. Lower the lift completely
and press the button lowering appr. 15 seconds further so that the hydraulic system will be bleeded completely.