Chapter 4
RS-232 Commands
Serial Control Protocol Commands
This chapter provides a complete list of the serial control protocol commands
used when utilizing the RS-232 Serial Port so that an extra source device can
function further as transmitter and receiver.
Configuring the Serial Port
The controller’s serial port should be configured as follows:
Switch Port Commands:
The formulas for Switch Port commands are as follows:
1. Switch C Input C Port Output C
Port C [Enter]
For example, to switch input port 02 (audio and video) to output port 05 on
device 01, type the following:
sw i02 o05 [Enter]
2. Switch C Output C Port C [Enter]
For example, to turn off video output on port 03, type the following:
sw o03 video off [Enter]
(Continues on next page.)
RS-232 Serial Control Protocol Settings
Baud Rate
19200 (Default)
Data Bit
8 bits
Stop Bit
1 Bit
Flow Control