© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
Power consumption
Display the used power consumption of BOUTIQUE local-net system(s) and it gives user the
recommend battery capacity for the DC backup power of the system.
Siren duration (sec.): Set the duration of siren warning sound before distributes the EVAC
Message duration (sec.): Set the duration of the EVAC message.
Please note the duration of siren sound and EVAC message will affect the battery capacity for
system operation. To know what battery capacity you need to purchase, please ask your dealer
for the calculation sheet of power consumption.
Standby: Set the time duration of standby, the system will calculate the the power consumption
and recommend capacity of battery.
Evacuation: Set the time duration of Evacuation, the system will calculate the the power
consumption and recommend capacity of battery.
Example: If the system is set as the following table:
When the system enters to emergency state, the siren sound will start buzzing for 5 seconds
and silence after, then the EVAC message for emergency evacuation will be played. This
evacuation process will continue till it passes 30 minutes.
siren duration
message duration
5 seconds
30 seconds
24 hours
30 minutes
Power consumption (Max Current A): Display the maximum power consumption of the device.
Power consumption (Capacity Ah): Display the power consumption of the selected local-net
system which is under the security mode.
Power requirement & recommendation
Display the total battery capacity (Ah)/recommended charging current (A)/DC max. output (A)/
recommended battery charger model which the selected local-net system(s) require.
If the system is not using the BCU-4830A/BCU-4875A battery charger from ATEÏS, please make