© 2019, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
: Or it can connect to RAC 5/RAC 8 device by using the normal logic input, and
controls the volume and trigger the events remotely.
: The 4 relay outputs can be programmed and send a pulse or a static closing/
opening to an external device (NO = normally open and NC = normally close). Evacuation inputs
The Evacuation inputs allows you to easily designed the phase evacuation or any evacuation
scheme. Take the 8 floors building application for example, and each floor indicates as a zone in
BTQ-VM4/VM8/SG8/SL8. If the 5th floor is on fire, it will play the evac message for emergency
evacuation; and the 4th and 6th floor will play alarm message to alert people.
Click [Evac Event] and [Alarm Event] button on the top right area of Evacuation Inputs window. Its
control window will be opened, see as below.
The purpose of [Evacuation Input] configuration is to use 2 different play message events (Evac and
Alarm) and to use them with evacuation input in order to create phase evacuation. When using this
configuration, users need to create two dedicated play message events (Evac and Alarm).
Edit Evac Event: Click to edit the Evac message event, see
Edit Alarm Event: Click to edit the alarm message event, see
There are five EVAC input channels (CH0~CH4) on BTQ-VM4 controller and nine EVAC input
channels (CH0~CH8) on BTQ-VM8 controller and BTQ-SG8/SL8 secondary unit.
ON/OFF response time: Set the response time to avoid triggering the Evac inputs
accidentally. When the input voltage is continuously above the range of triggering signal, the
event will be triggered by system.
The trigger signal should be at least as long as the response time to activate the
corresponded Evac input. The range of response time is from 300ms to 5000ms. The shorter
the response time has set, the response action will be more sensitivity.
Active type: Select a type to activate the [ON/OFF Function] of the Evac event/Alarm event.
Switch: Start the event which selects from [ON function] drop-down box, and stop the
event which selects from [OFF Function] drop-down box.