AT-320 H323 Phone User Manual (V1.39)
forward calls if busy. X is ranged from 0 through 1. 0: do not
forward calls if busy; 1: forward call if busy.
set fwdnoanswer X
Enable/disable forward calls without replying. X is ranged from 0 through 1.
0: do not forward calls without replying; 1: forward call without replying.
set audioframes X
Set audio frames in RTP package. X is Arabic numerals between 0 and 7.
k X
With G.7231, set AT-320 IP phone to use 6.3K rate or not. X is ranged
from 0 through 1: 0: use 6.3K rate; 1: use 5.3K rate.
set vad X
Enable/disable VAD. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable VAD; 1:
enable VAD.
set agc X
Enable/disable AGC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable AGC; 1:
enable AGC.
set aec X
Enable/disable AEC. X is ranged from 0 through 1: 0: disable AEC; 1:
disable AEC.
set handsetin X
Set initial volume of handset. X is ranged from 0 through 15.
set speakerin X