Atari GOAL IV Installation, Operation, Maintenance And Service Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for GOAL IV

Page 1: ...Op era tion Maintenance and Service Manual T1 i 035 i i AL NW t ATARI Innovative leisure 14600 Winchesten B1vd Los Gatos CA 95030 Telephone 408 374 2440 Tefex 357 4BB ryry re t ...

Page 2: ...ainte nar ce Tnoubleshooting Detailed Cincuit Descniption Intnoduction Test Equipment Adjustments Genenal Tnoubies hccti ng Apprcach Block Diagnarr Description Pcwen Supply Ccrrpute n Clock Honizontal Sync Ci ncuitny Ventical Sync Cincuitny Sync Summing Wi ndows Electnonic Latch Cincuit Cnedit Cincuit Page o M 1 o M 2 o M 2 C M_3 C M 4 o M 7 o M 8 o M 9 o M 10 o M 13 o M 13 PCB 1 PCB 1 PCB 1 PCB 3...

Page 3: Catch Ki ck lorrzcntal Dinecticn Ci rcui 3a11 Motion Ventical Dinecri ard Speed Cincuit Hcni zontai Dir e n and Speed Cincui EaI1 Motion Cir Hit Circuit Moving HoIe Ci Window Mtss e Circuit Sound Cincu t Scone Circuit Video Summinc l c it Pagq PCB 19 PCB _ 20 PCB 21 PCB 23 PCB 23 PCB 31 PCB 33 PCB 36 PCB 38 o lA IVDAV PCB _ 43 PCB _ 45 PCB _ 46 PCB 48 PCB 51 D A 6 I UJ PCts 56 11 ...

Page 4: ...nel will void the wannanty If the PCB Fails aFten the anranty peniod has expined itwiil be nepained Fon a nominal pants and iabcr cnange Atani Inc wannants the V monitor tor a peni c f thinty days commencing the day oFshipment Fncn r e Atani tactony Ii t e rncnitcr faiis within that noninrl immediately con ct the distnibuton fr cn whcm the game was oniginaily Per tJu punchased Fon nepain on r epia...

Page 5: ...n box The coin doon is located on the trcnt oF the rnachine undenneath the contrrcl panel To nemove the coins unlcck the metal coin door gnasp the doon lip and pull out the coin box To reach the intenion oF the machine unlock coin doon and neach upwands just inside the doon opening Nean the tcp oF the intenior compartment is a chain Pu1 down on this chain and with the othen hand Iift up the hinged...

Page 6: ...fon obviot rs shipping damage such as cnackec n bnoken cabinet panr q sub assemblies bnoken loose 2 Carefully i nspect ir r nior of the macf e see that all solden joints siio cn connectons anC c in type conneci i s a e iinmly seated Pay panti cuLar atention to the PC ecge connectcr r rr lses and the slip on conrrectons to the p tentiornetens t e kick switcF es the s aru switch and the mode selecto...

Page 7: ...mage as the paddles tnavense the scneen and that aii the kic switches openate when Finmly pnessed Please note that all the kic swilc es openate when Ftnrnl z pnessed The machine will automatically kick if ihe ick switch is not pr essed rrithin thnee seconds B The doon locks sho ld tunn to the lcckec and rrunlocked pcsitions smoothly and the doons should open and close withoui Sinding 9 The intenlo...

Page 8: ...ed ton q clayens vs checkec p Layens t MCDE 1 IF the mode s n switch is set to the machine the garri e i3 3nce is as Follovls lamp and the garne cornr es when the lighted ducing this CRT conFigu 3 3n p siti3n il1 ft one playen vs Coin insention lights the cnedit start u tton is pnessed pno l he playen has thnee pac es on frmentr and the r rachine has none The playen has a Lange goal throug vhich t...

Page 9: ...en ccntnols the solid team and anothen cpenates the checked tearn However if desined one on two playens may openate each team so that thr ee on toun playens may be accomo dated When the machine is conditioned to make 2 e i si de has Five men two for wands two backs and one goalie Each side nas ruro potentiometens irpotstr orre pot contnols the icnvar ds and the othen c r n is the deFense men the b...

Page 10: ...s switch is set to tf e 2 1 position the pi r er vi11 neceive two games pen coin 2 TIME LINE Wit 3 rame on but not sta c r rnthe small blue tnim pct clcckwise all the way ring at the thumbwr 1 ice ct the pct It the tirne line Cips below the top of r jiield wall turn t counten clockwise until the time line just comes e en with the uppen side r e pldyiield wall 3 TIME RATE The irre nate pot contnols...

Page 11: ...end has been intentionally leFt not connected When a statr c dischange occuns an elec nic cu rerlt is inducec in h antenna wine This impulse is transmitted tc l e eLe l nic latch ci r cuit vhich tunns oFt game cnedtt and nesets the game to re a act mode The s aiic modiFi cation may be tested by touching the end of he antennawine wt h ycun Fingen as the body usually has enough capacitance o tniggen...

Page 12: ...kgnounC i ut being blunned 4 HORIZONTAL HC l Adjust if the pichrne is siightly otF centen honizon taIly iF the images ap3 ar wanped on iF the ci tune is bnoken up into a senies cF diagonal lines Ad usl tcn a stable centen o pictune 5 VERTICAL HCLD This needs adjustmenr nly iF the pict rre appeans to be nclli ng up on down the scneen Adjust Fon a s able centened pictune c 6 V R rICAL SIZ l his adju...

Page 13: These fuses ane ca ed onthe T V chassis atthe Frrcnt Ieft side as you iace the naised ch assis The PCB fuse is located on the electnonics tnay just inside the coin docr Tr is i se should be r eplaced oNLY with a 1 amp 11O vcit slow blow fuse I Coin Accepton Operation Aci ustrrent and Mainter ance OPERATION determined bY tion Thedetectionandrejecticncfun desinedoncountenFeitcoinsane size boththi...

Page 14: ...IN ACCEPTOR AfJUSTMENT Aii i acceptors leave he tactony adjusted Fon maximum cenlonmance It t 3 tre mone cniticai ac stments ane desined on iF the ur it has been compl Cisassembled Fcn sen ce the Following adjustment p rr cedu ne is sugges If the coin accepton r a c3en nemoved Fron ie machi ne place it in a ventical position on a level s a3c IF the accepton s still mounted on the coin doon piace t...

Page 15: ...oins ane accePted 1O Be sunethat both screws are ti ght aFten tne adjustments have been made B THE MAGNET GATE 1 Set the accepton with the Front oF the unit lacinE you in the test position 2 Tunn the magnet gate adjusting scnew 2 cut counter clocloarise until none of the coins will tit thnough 3 With a coin resting in the accepton tunn the adjusten in clockwi se until the coin banely passes thtrcu...

Page 16: ...ngs and neassemble Scnay the entine unit i vi th WD 4O s iccr e I 5nicant J 3 enal Machine i arntenance D re to its solid state ci tr y yorJn Goal I arne will requine very little main tenance othen than peni ieaning lubnica r ancl T V moniton adjustment The cabinet and plexigla scneen may be clea d with any non abnasive house hold cleanen The c in a cepton and the neje r linkage should be spnayed ...

Page 17: ...rnesses ane chec ed by elimination Su s ute a good T V an CB and tF the malfuncticn pensists the hanness rJ i e at Fault 2 OTHtrR l RCr l ESHCCTINGTIPS Ii r have a T V a te 3niy a T V nasten is a blank 5ut lit T V screen with t rlightness tunned alL the way up and you want to detenmine iF the PCB on l e 1s causing the iack of video display try the Following test a disc nnec e PCB edge ccnnecton b ...

Page 18: ...g the an a shonten in incnements 1 inches r Game Cnedit Shuts C d on T V Pictu e S s Check line voltage with VCM and be awane a lange moton nea ain conditionen rnay drrcp line voltage when s a ing uP 4 No Pictune No Ras Check to see iF T ecton is piugged in check fcn line voltage at T V l iF T V AC volta s ch is set to cornect position Check T V fuses and b iness contrrcl 5 T V Rasten Only Cr ck h...

Page 19: ...iometen 10 No Game c check coin switc s ant switch and hanress Repiace D Q 11 No Ga S ant Check ccir sr vitch and harnes R eplace PC B 4 lence InCOrneci 1 tSptay trllSS I i Jrgr on Nc r ning RePlace FC 13 Check volurne co 1 nections Ra a CB o M 16 ...

Page 20: ... Moving Up Down Ellth views ane on side opposite as seen standing coin mechanism FIGURE A PLAYFIELD s I Sol id Back r t d rl ie Sol il Sol i Goa rI Solrc For s tg Checked H E Checked Goalie ed s il H Che ck Pl aye r Goal I Pla Wal ck et Solid vs Checked Conf rgu ration Mode 2 Checked Forwa rds f E t o M 17 f ield 6 ...

Page 21: ... 1 n1 f ii JtL I i _ l a J I lz i j rt r I i l r 1 1 6 _ I ii l _664_ qa_ j I a r zl v a l I J ti i r r al L t s t l l 2 i X r __l i _ ___ o a L t i l I i _ _ i t r i 1 f r t Za 3 _ i _ __ 1_ a f l I ll J ii 5 z L L I ____ t rr c 5 cyc 4 _ Z Figr re B PCB Adjuslrnents o M 18 irt 3 iU oi o c av ...


Page 23: ...C I ol ol I L I r I I I I 5l to E I li l I 1 I C i qltio ola o qlur IL l t o 1 i c z r l r A o o t I bl l l uii l l R x ql i a r I r i gt rlc n 1 t q I I I ol l l r l t r I i ti l QI E a q D f L J I OI ei r I lt I _i l iri 1 l fai i I I lL l I I l l 1 I lir i li I l5l I l l ir olqi l l r r l li rllll il9 Ol r Jli i t1 rl l lL t lG IY lu It l6 t5 li it lo o trl c 3 J o 1l 5 a l O o J f q J I lrl I ...

Page 24: ...H I l s ln Ff y l _ __ r u g s 5H i a 1 i iE f 6 9 3 i q E i 2 29 3E ra a __r F i_ E il 89 5 i5 EE af Zz EEeE i 2 6 9 21 e EE a s i xi E rEiE E iiq l il3I uilaI 3i6 e EEi r Ea lE3 9o 9 ii i 5P5 i za ZZ A rai I r s l z d i I J l oE tr a o 5 I I i i lr x 3at _ t t l El t L l r a t L i i _ a T I i ...

Page 25: ...age svri c This srryitch shculd ne ched 2 Refenence points 4 J 7 are the sa as on a norrnal T V 3 Retenence point ical Lineari _ knob lt is used to ad_ s Lr ne lon the same lengih at both the a ctom 4 Reienence point i ls rical Height knob This contnols Fe l i the pictune icati ons l l i nector l ground a S lcr out 2 iC in a1 i ays hot E L2 not used t Top oo o o oo o o o Pl i l ruret cr Deta Figr ...

Page 26: ...easien but is not absoluteiy essentral Some equipnrent iterrrs ane available Fnom the Atani O stomen Senvice Depantrnent and these a r rhe Atani Universal Test Fixtune the Kurz Kasch 52C L ogic Pnobe thr 1 iar i ide3 Pnobe and the Hewlett Packand 1O52S i ogic Companaton L her equipmenr items that ane venyuseiul ane the HP 10526T Logic Pulser and t he HP 465 Cscillcscope These items are avaiiabie t...

Page 27: ...ay be obtained tnee fnom the Atani O stomen Senvice Depantment on it necessany they can be assembled Fnom standand compcnenls available at all electnonics suppiy houses To use the video pnobe attach one clip to the ne lative side oFthe 1O MFD video coupling capacitor Found nean position C24 cn the ccmputen PWA and clip the other end to the desired signal test points as indicated in the test pnoced...

Page 28: ...ustment inFormaticn is pnovided in tnis manual R eFen to the Cpenating and Maintenance Manuai ci the Goal IV game Fon necommended adjustment pnocedunes tor the cornp ten PWA TV monilcn and coin mechanism GENERA L I RCU BLESF l a r lNG APPRCACFj The Finst step r v5s1 tno bies coting malii rncii fis oFthe computer PWA is to nelate the visible cn audibie r nal functicn ic on or nlcre cincuits oF the ...

Page 29: ...he playField symbol genenated by the playField cincuit the playens cannot be positioned and no sounds ane developed Howeven the ATRC signal enables the scone di splay cincuit allowing the score of the last game to be conti nuor rs ly d is played player data indicating what pontion oF each player is being developed at any given time is contiruously ied to the ventical speed cinct rit In tunn the ve...

Page 30: ...4 lr _ l t vl 11 I r L i j t n a _ r ii lo t 5 U l l It le u lQnB I j Itrt e t I irl r i1 0 ut i t s r uv t u q r a t r ul r vN l U iJ tr Ia i ir i vl O U t il il I f t q u 1 0 s I v l a r lSvr vrd R i t I I ut rS c e t d IL d i r t Sl h r ts v l ls i i rtl F au v t U I a i 1or ls lq U ss r J l3 i o 1 di os o irl a 0 a i3 q VI lW PCB 5 t l I lf i i 4 s v r f ia t i ti IE t i r I i t q l r lr lrt 5...

Page 31: ...ect circuit conci l a window miss rae c li fon one pla 3 openaiicn Ccnsequently i uit accepts a l l 3nai fnom the i j ci rcui t and genea iNnOWS si x o and moving g ai Ja a WINDOWS 1 atr es the genenate a PLAYFIELD signal that in s used to ca s a symbol having a fixed goai cn the ieft and a m i an the nl a ea cn the TV Scneen The 1 PL Av R signal also ca _ i ptayens cir _ riminate the solid deFens...

Page 32: ...sing the START push button Otherwise iF the switch is set to the 1P pcsition anothen coin must be depcsited ic establtsh garne cnedit l wo Playen Mode l he r r playen mode is similan to the one playen mode except that the plavtield si mooi contai ns ty ro Fixed goals solid and checked goalies detensemen and icn wards appean on lhe TV scneenl and the dinection tl e ball is senved vani es in accorda...

Page 33: ...Tr ansistor QB and nesistons R2O and R22 For m a 5 VDC shunt negulator that urses the negulated 5 VDC oF the positive powen supply as its voltage neFerence Thus if the 5 VDC output tends to become mone negative tnansistor Q8 conducts mone to Fonce the out put voltage back to the 5 VDC leve1 Convers i y itthe 5 VDC output tends to become more positive QB conducts Iess ar r c Jnsequently restones th...

Page 34: ...l l Al I__ 12l r fr l EI lR e lla FIGURE 2 Power Supply FIGURE 3 Computen Clock Cincuit PCB 9 l uul t l aos l I L J if l L t r r 1 g 3 Llqa 4 rr 5V f o RZ r RIZ a 2 zo tvav P3 R 5 nne P4 R 2 zrA zL P5 l t a L F P 2 I t o F i a t zL Pg _ 21o c Sxoa cB9 tCan ...

Page 35: ...ted 1H 2H 4H BH 16H 32H 64H 128H 256H ano ffi These submultiples are distnibuted to vanious logic cincuits oF the computer F ztlA Fon timing and signal development punposes The development oF the H SYNC EE 1 J6 H BLANK H BI ANK H RESEIT and H RESET signals is discussed in the Following pana gnaphs Development and timing oF othen signals nelated to the submultiples oF the CLOCK signal ane discussed...

Page 36: ...1 is high TheneFone the output oF AND gate D3 6 is high Signals 16H and 32H ane both high atthe count oF 48 Consequently the output oF NAND gateJl 3 goes Iow and the clock input pin 3 oF flip flop E2 5 6 is enabled With a low appiied to pin 2 2 and highes appiied to pins E2 4 E2 3 ard E2 1 of Flip flop E2 5 6 the Q output of the Flip flop goes low which Fonms the leading edge oF the H SYNC pulse a...

Page 37: ...nual It nequines appnoximately 1 60 of a second to develop one Fteld oF the TV picture Fon the Goal IV game which is the time it takes the counten to ccunt 262 H RESET pulses aften being neset At the count oF312 lhe 256V 4Vand 1V si gnals ane ail high As a nesult the output of NAND gate 81 6 goes low When the next H RESET pulse occuns the Q oultput V RESET oF flip F1op D2 g B goes 1ow and tt 6 out...

Page 38: ...i pulse keeps the honizontal oscillaton oF the TV moniton synchrrc nized duning vertical netnace The output oF the exclusive OR gate is sent to the video summing ci ncuit and consists of a sernated vertical sync pulse con taining 7 sennations Foltowed by 255 honizontal sync pulses TheneFone one Field oF the TV pictune corrsists of 255 viewable lines Since no interlace pno visions ane incorponated ...

Page 39: ...itiors 64V and 128V with the window pnoduced on the TV scneen Thus iF the 64V and 1zB V signals tnom the ventical sync cincuits ane ANDed a signal develops that can be used tc blank the electnon beam of the pictune Fon all TV lines except those occunning between ventical positions 64V and 128V Aq a nesult a bnight banci betvreen positions 64V and l2BVappeans on the screen oF the pictune tube The n...

Page 40: ...ction oF this manual The second function oF the iatch cincuit is to Furnish enabiing levels to the pneset inputs oFFlip Flops Ag 9 A ard B9 9 B when the cnedit cincuit has deter mined that a pnopen coin has been deposited As descnibed in the text oF the credit cincuitny NAND gate C8 8 develops a negattve going pulse aFten a pnopen coin is deposited This putse is nouted thnough diode CRB and nesist...

Page 41: ...incuit consists oFthe coin deposit mechanism diodes CR1 and CR2 resistons R1 and R31 inventen A8 8 flip flops A8 4 2 Ba 5 6 3A g A A9 5 and Ae g e NAND gate C8 8 NOR gate C9 13 a light emitting diode LED and the 1P ZP switch Except Fon the LEDand coin mechanism all oFthe Fonegoing components ane located on the computen PWA The LED i s pant oFthe sr antswitch ard lights when game cnedit is establis...

Page 42: ...has been accepted and he may stant the game when neady When the coin moves past the micnoswitch the switch netunns to its nonmally closed position which nesets flip flop A8 4 2 cleans flip flops P 8 5 6 and B8 9 8 and enables NOR gate Cg 13 Enabling gate C9 13 fonces is output high which neleases the low clean levet appti ed to Flip flop 89 5 26 of the stant cincuit The 1P 2 cincuit is pant of the...

Page 43: ...o lt J d 9 2 c L r fl ii I3 q Q u 6 qi OL o c o ll r8 lr lN Td I o lr lr t 1 3 a o an Uz t mo 2 ri E 5a a o 0 i u t fd I t i _L L a o l i L it OE U4 o PCB 18 J f o L O 0 c _ 1 I 0 E l E d J L d P a J 1 0 L O C O t d J o c L P O o L o t u l o tr f d J t t_ f trv or r aF i i l1 t F r O J a a o o ...

Page 44: ...mputen F I A When the cnedit li ght is lit the game is stanted by pnessing the stant pushbutton Pnoviding the attnact move is active ATRC iow pnessing and releasing the pushbutton sets arxl nesets Flip Flop A8 1O C 10 causing a positive going pulse to be applied to the D input oF Flip flop B9 5 Flip flop AB 1O C9 1O is used to pnevent tnansients that ane pnoduced by the contacts oF the stant pushb...

Page 45: ... VDC When the voltage at pin E9 6 equals the voltage at pin E9 5 the output at pi n E9 3 goes low As time pnoceeds the voltage at pin E9 5 becornes mone positive Consequently it takes longen and longen fon the voltage at pin E9 7 to equatr ihre voltage at pin E9 5 As a nesult the dunation of the positive pulse developeci at pin E9 3 increases with ea ch new TV Field This pulse is invented D9 8 and...

Page 46: ...ntwhene it coincides with the 1ow pontion of the C D and 128Vsigr a s a high END CF GAME pulse is developed atthe outpu i negative true A 3ate N4 6 Th ls culse clocks flip flop B g a causing a igh ATRC signa c appean at ihe Q put and a to ETEsignal to appean a he 6 output A pneviotrsly cescnisec hese signals place the game in the a nact mode P LAYFIELD CI R C IT The playField ci ncur Figune o i s ...

Page 47: com bined with the C D signal to fonm a V ENABLE signal that detines the honizontal window oF the ptayfield Finally the composite PLAYFIELD signal is Fonmed by logicaily combining theE m H ENABLE V ENABLE and wINDCx s signals in gates N5 6 and J4 6 The WINDCruS signal which is developed by the window miss bounce cincuit causes the goal openings to appean in the venti cal playfield li nes l4o 14...

Page 48: ... sabled by a low ATRC signal in the attract mode When enabled this gate passes a high or low 1 PLAYER si gnal deperr ding on whethen the game select switch is set to 1 playen on 2 playens nespectively This signal ts used to condition vanious cincuits of the computen F ruA Fon the one playen on two playen mocie oF openation Tc u r nlDDw i c iT FIGURE 1O Game Seiect Circuit PLAYERS CIRCUIT The playe...

Page 49: ...n alsc r eceives the e signal A lhen the game select 2 l switch is set to tne tvnrc playen position 2 ouning the play mcde the 1 PLAYER ignal is low which iorces the output ci riAND gate F6 3 high Each time the electn n beam oFtr rictL l re tube e ei c the play Field anea the H ENABL E and V ENA LE signais qo high ca sing the output oF NAND gate H6 12 to go tow In tunn eaci tir re tl re B anc C si...

Page 50: ...l t cr lP is Etr Rtt roK r3 5181P D DE a Cb 2N3ra3 fV roc q70 R 1 R q QAMP 6eH iln r cr6 RAMP ADJ l cr 1 RlL l60E C L or hYUR j ENAELE 50K RZr R A z rq 1 f la h rr t BZ L B qTAgL I qiAOLt t l Rt l 4 O R 1 2LL H cttlr c I 6o Lt E 5EE6JE Miil Q E H RE CT BALL l a g3 Lr c L Evr B t rlr Dl rr r U Lt l B lrt l tlr c1 tr r c I t 1 Dt tr r Dl ll I D r r Da I r Et l1 r gt ir trl f t FIGURE 11 PIaYens Cinc...

Page 51: ... tnansiston Q7 inventen D9 6 and associated components This cincuit is used to enabie the tnont panel playen position contnols duning the play mode and to disable them duning the attnact mode In the play mode the ATRC signal is high Inventen DO 6 invents the high ATRC signal which tunns on Q 7 and For vard biases diode CR7 Fon wand biasing CR7 places a iow on one side otihe ptayer position contrrr...

Page 52: ...pulses At the count oF 15 pin 15 oF K7 goes high and the output oF inventen J8 6 goes low This low is applied to pin 7 of the counter causing it to stop counting While K7 is counting the output of inventer J8 6 ts high This high signal E2 is sent to the multiplexen arrd ts eventually used to cause the top solid tonwand symbol to appean on the TV scneen Also duning the counting period the thnee mos...

Page 53: only the soiid deFensemen goalie left side cincuit is discussed in the Following panagnaphs The solid deFensemen goalie circuit consists oF the solid DEFENSEMEN poterr tiometen companator N9 1O and associated cincuittry d stable multivibnaton NB S and associated ci ncuitny inventens J8 2 and JB 4 counten M7 FIip tlops H8 3 2 and HB 5 6 NAND gate L8 8 exclusive ORgate E6 3 AND gate K6 8 ard nega...

Page 54: ...FJ K flip Flops H8 3 2 and HB 5 6 As a nesult counten M7 stops counting and the Q output oF Flip flop HB 3 goes high In addi tion the output oF NAND gate LB B goes high whi ch tonces the output of J6 8 low This low establishes the lowen end oF the top solid detenseman symbol When the output oF inverten JB 2 goes high againu ihe counten begins generating the goali e symbol signal and associated dat...

Page 55: ...ven playen is to appean on the TVscneen In addition the playenventical window signal works in conjunction with the TEAM anO 6 signals to cause each playen symbol to appean at the pnopen location on the TV scneen CHECK PATTERN GENERATOR The check pattenn genenator develops the signal that causes the playens oF the night side team to have a checked appeaF ance Thi s cincuit consists oF exclusive OR ...

Page 56: ...gnal is inhibi ted and the solid deFensemen symbols ane pnevented Fnom appeaning on the TV scneen The low 1 PLAYERsignal in the one piayen mode Fonces the output otgate J1 6 high which enables AND gate M1 6 Consequently the solid deiensemen symbol signal is allowed thnough AND gate M1 6 and the soli d deFe rsemen symbols ane developed on the scneen of the TV moniton PLAYER SUMMING CIRCUIT The piay...

Page 57: ...he senve When the IEV signal goes high at the top ot the pichrne the high at the D i nput oF Flip flop Lb S is clocked to the Q output When the H ENABLE and 256H signals ane coincidently 1ow atthe night edge oF the p1ayField negative tn le ANDgate H4 13 develops a positive going pulse that clocks the htgh level at the D input ot flip flop L5 9 8 to the Q output As a nesult the SERVE signal goes hi...

Page 58: ...develops a low output that pnesets fli5flop D8 9 When the ball hits a goalie on fonwand the HIT and DEFENSEMEN signals ane coincidentiy high which Forces the output oF NAND gate CB 6 low This low nesets flip Flop DB 9 causing one shot J5 6 to be ir iggened and a low to be s sent to the honizontal speed contnol cincuit Triggeri ng one shot J5 6 causes a positive going STOP pulse and a negative goin...

Page 59: ...low nesets fli p flop D8 6 and enables negative trule AN D gate C9 1 Resetting flip flop DB 6 causes a hi gh Q stgnal to be sent to the honizontal speed contnol cincuit which causes this cincuit to nevense the honi zontal dinection oF the ball Pnessing eithen the DEFENSEMEN on FORI ARDS PUSH TO KICK pushbutton causes the otrtput of inverten D9 1 2 to go low which Fonces the out put ot negative tr ...

Page 60: ... iow holds tlre output oF gate E8 11 high As a nesult the ball is always senved to the solid team in the one playen mode IFthe ball is menely bouncing oFFone oFthe ventical sides of the playField the WINDOWS signal i s low which f cnces the output of NAND gate EB G high This high enabies gate EB 1 1 theneby allowing the 256H signal to be appli ed to the D input of Flip flop DB 6 As a nesult tt 6 o...

Page 61: window Figure 13a that moves honi zontally ieft and night This window is counted ard di splayed by the ball motion cincuit Howeven the position and tlre velocity oF the ball are contnolled by the ventical and honizontal ball dir ection and speed cincuits The outputs cf the bail di nection and speed circuits ane the inputs to the ball motion cincuit FIGURE 13a Horizontal Ball Motion Contr olled ...

Page 62: ...y and the ventical window is moved to the night Figune 13e the bail image appeans to move to the night FIGURE 1Ge _ il ement oF Batl IF both windows rnove simultaneously the nesulting ball motion is the vectoned sum oF the movements oF both windows Fon instance iF the horizontal window is moved up and the ventical window moved to rhe night simultaneously and at the same velocit v Figune 13f the ne...

Page 63: ...oned at an angle and as the nelative window velocities change the vector angles change accondingly VERTICAL DIRECTICN AND SPEED CIRCUIT The ventical dir ection and speed cincuit Figune 14 is composed oF inventens C6 12 and C6 61 exclusive ORgates C7 11 C7 3 C7 6 and C7 8 NOR gates B7 1 and 37 4 NAND gate F6 11 flip flop D6 5 quad latch D7 ard 4 bit binary fu11 adden A7 This cincuit convents playen...

Page 64: ...d nesets fltp flop D6 5 tf it is not neset alneady TheneFone the outputs ot latch D7 ane used without invension to develop the motion code fon the honizon tal window that moves the ball ventically up on down When tfe ball is moving at maximum up velocity pin 12 of latch D7 is low If the batl hits the top side oFthe playtield symbol a high V BOUNCE signal is developed Since the 12BV signal is high ...

Page 65: ...t to incnease the honizon tal speed of the bali up to a Fixed limit and stop honizontai motion each time the ball hits a goalie on tonarand D ringthe attnact mode the ATRC signai is high which holds the output of NCR gate B7 13low As a nesult a constant low is impnessed on the load input oFbinany counten 86 Since the 1 PLAYERsignal is low in the attnact mode pi ns 11 and 12 are heid low which caus...

Page 66: ...atest which pnevents hit sounds caused by closely spaced hits Fnom nunning togethen In the one p l ayen version oF the play mode the 1 PLAYER signal is high which causes a OlOO pneset to be appiied to counter 86 Thus the initial honizontal speed of the ball is highen and the highest speed is neached aften the ball has hit a goalie on Fonnrand 11 times without being sconed The D output oF counter B...

Page 67: ...7 7fr L D k f 7 c r CtRcd HIri297trfiL r Flrt ty Si A Goa t E FaRtrJARo t1 t7 i GOAL ls t c rt cr z 5 1c t 9 Ho o H t l c o R3 iel r tl ra 1 il riu i i rr FIGURE 15 Honizontal Dinection and Speeb Cincuit CO RE s c u r C _ PCB _ 42 ...

Page 68: ... stop moti on code TheneFone the honizontal ball motion cincuit is tonced to stop any honizontal motion of the ball BALL MOTICN CIRCUIT The ball motion cincuit consists oF a honizontal ball motion cincuit and a ball motion summing is discussed in the Following panagnaphs ball motion cincuit a ventical cir cuit Each of these cincui ts HORIZONTAL BALL MOTICN CIRCUIT The hcnizontal ball motion cincui...

Page 69: ... 12 goes Iow countens 84 and C4 ane pneset and a new count begins IF the total count of the honizontal motion counten Fnom pneset to pneset is the same as the total count of the honizontal sync counten Fnom neset to neset no hontzontal motion oF the ball occur s IF the total count oF the honizontal motion counten is mone than the honizontal sync counten th ball moves to the night and if less to th...

Page 70: notrted to the video cincuits of the TV moniton via the video summing cincuit to cause the ball to appean STO P Pl l I I J l o T G 5 l G L I D r F sYi SIRvE r t H IT TONS 3 O9 0 1 3 t r E cLrfrI 84 1c a t 6 sr i r LocK SEEV E ct z FIGURE 16 Bali Motion Cincuit HIT CiRCUIT The hi t cincuit FiW re 17 is simply an AND gate K6 11 When the ball hits one oF the playens the BALL and PADDLES signals an...

Page 71: ...uit and is subsequently enabled by the tnaining edge Coi ncident with neset the output oFAND gate M1 11 goes low on is alneady low This Iow is invented by inventen EG to Fonm a high HCLE signal which is used to disable gate F3 1 Disabling this gate causes flip flop Kl 9 8 to nemain in whateven state it happens to be Assuming flip Flop K1 9 8 happens to be set e high when the HOLEsignat goes high a...

Page 72: ... Because the hole signals occun eveny 312th honizontal line and thene are 262 honizontal lines in one Field the hole signais ane caused to occun one honizontal line eanlien on each success ive cycle oFtl re counten The HOLE signal is used by the computen PWA to cause a moving 16 line hole to move upwand in the ventical line that tonms the night side oF the playField When the leading edge oF the HO...

Page 73: ...e and the moving night goai window in the one piayer mode The V BOUNCE and H BOUNCE signals ane used by the ventical and honizontai speed contnol cincuits respectiveiy to change the dinection oF the bail when it hits any side ot the playField outli ne tl ussimulatinga bounce The BOLNICE signal causes the sound cincuit to genenate a bounce sound when the ball hits any side oF thre playfield symbol ...

Page 74: ...nue AND gate H5 1 and enables AND gate F5 6 Inhibiting gate HS l prevents the 64Vsignai pnesent at pin 2 of gate H5 1 fnom heir q used to develop the goat windows in the ieFt and right walls oFthe playFieic symbol Enabling AND gate F5 6 allows the signal from NCR gate H5 1O to be used to develop the WINDCWS n0 WixooVG signals The 2561 i signal is used to enable AND gate F5 G on the leFt halF ot th...

Page 75: ... ng BOUNf CE signal As previously stated this signal causes the sound cincuit to develop a bounce sound In a similan Fashi on gates F4 1O F4 1 ard F4 4 develop a negative going BOUNCE signal a positive going H BOUNCE signal and inhibit the miss cincuit when the ball contacts the left on night side of the playField The H BOUNCE signal causes the honizontal speed contr ol cincuit to nevense the honi...

Page 76: ... pnoduced Pnoviding the ball has not hit a goalie on Fonwand the EJtp stgnal is aiso high Consequently NAND gate LB 6 pnoduces a negative going pulse that tniggens one shot M9 6 The durati on otthe positive gotng pulse pnoduced by one shot M9 G is detenmined bythe SLCW signat Iiii e honizontal speed oFthe ball is minimum the SLCWsi gnal is high which causes a maximum pulse dunation Convensely itth...

Page 77: ...text SCORE WINDCW CIRCUIT The sconewwi ndow crncuit consists oF NAND gates J3 6 and H2 12 negative tn re AND gates H3 8 and H3 12 exclusive OR gates F2 3 and F2 6 inventen E3 6 and negative tnre NOR gate D3 8 This cincuit Funnishes a high enabling le zel to BCD to seven decoder dniven M2 when eithen the leFt on right score is to be displayed Honizontal timing signals 32ri 64rf 128H 256H and 256H a...

Page 78: ...eFone only the left counten is descni bed in the Foliowing texL Decade counten K9 is neset to zeno at the beginning oF the game when the START signal goes high At the same time the low ETAFsignal cleans Flip Flop N2 3 causing the Q output to go to a 1ow state and the 6ouput to go to a high state Duning the game high level MISS signals Fnom ihe miss cincuit ar e applied to NAND gates J3 3 and J3 11...

Page 79: ... units inFot mation Fon the night scone When allowed by a high signai Fnom the scone window cincuit decode r driver M2 sends a severFbit code signals a thnough g to a scone segment window cincutt SCORE SEGMENT WINDOW CIROJ IT The scone segment window cincuit consists oF NAND gates J3 8 H2 6 K2 12 lK2 6 L2 6 K2 a L2 12 K2 B and H2 B negative true AND gztes N4 8 F3 4 and H3 6 AND gate D3 3 negative ...

Page 80: J azc OH H H O t__ __ _ _t U d o o 1 f O L O o o O a cu t a l lr t i I HH HH J M HH _ A L t t H HJ E l t H OrF C C lrlt a dcti lltn lN I Er H 3 c acd O HH trr O J l j t I N PCB 55 o lu a d o t1 d I a 9 CO sx 0 rE ...

Page 81: ...nesistons R56 RO3 R64 and R53 This cincuit combines the COMP SYNC SCORE BALL and PADDLES signals i nto a composite VIDEO OUT signal Capaciton C24 couples the VIDEC OUT signal to the video cincuits ot the TV moniton Rr6 c q 3Bo l ut F El cro orr Fl t ct fa 1 FIGURE 22 Video Summing Cincuit l PCB 56 DZl i ...

Page 82: ...L4 15 16 L7 18 003808 o00622 000871 001551 79 320L 45 201101 90 3001 54 40t 48 002 A001920 A001921 01 A001921 02 A0019 2 1 0 3 A001921 04 72 66LO 73 77004 oo3822 Instal l Shorti 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I A R A R A R A R 15 1 g Blo Tray Electroni cs Cover Transformer LabeI Transformer Fuse Holder Fuse 1 Amp S1o Blo ter Power L ne Power Cord 8 Speaker 4 Harness Voltage Selection Shorting Block 95V Blk Sho...

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Page 85: ...B 32 Washer Narrow Washer niide Spacer Tubu1ar Brass 8 x f25 Lg 188 1 D x 37 Pot 5K Slip Clutch i Acceptable Substi t rtes 65 tJ91A 65 l 01A 65 11LA 64 0 1C t r Pcssif le Supplier Amatom Represented by Nova Tlrcnonix FT Irio 9315 8 00 369 2 003 621 73 80 65 081A 72 1410C 75 054 7 5 914S 7 5 918S 7 s 02 BS 7 5 0 3BS 7 4 38A2 19 9011 0 D Drawn T Lrirvrffnn checked 2 As zc REV B Rev Descript i on Dat...

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Page 87: ...28 7s 2Lt2S A003894 003694 7 5 010s 75 040S 75 9115 A003955 Cabinet Sub AssembIy Table Top Assembly Screw Mach Rd Hd Cross Recessed 10 24 x 3 4 Monitor Assembly Tie Bar Washer F1at Re9 Pattern Steel f0 Washer Split Lock Cres 10 Nut Mach Hex Hd Standard Pattern LO 24 World Cup P C Bd Assembly a REV B Rev Description Date Appn Rev Dat e TDDTV A ROD REL W 6 5 ttr ry B 6 18 7 a It em Qty I 2 a J 4 5 6...

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Page 89: ...stor Resistor Resistor Resistor F esistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor CarLron Carbon Carbon Carbon Cartron o Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carl on Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbon Carbcn Carbon Carbcn KW 52 tw 5 kw 5 tw 58 Lw 5t w 58 tw 5 tw 5 kw 5t tw 5r tw 5t kwo 5 lt tr 5 hvd z L tI r 5t I J 5t a t i6r I00 ohrn 1000 ohm 10K ohm 12K ohm 1800 ohm l80K o...

Page 90: ...fier lN4001 Rectifier A14F G E InteErated Circuit 7400 Integrated Circuit 7402 Integrated Circuit 14A4 Integrated Cir r uit t 74lO Integrated Ci cuj t 742A lntegrated Circuit 742i Integrated Circuj t 1430 Integrated Crrcui 7448 Integrated Circuit 7474 Integrated Cj rcui t 7483 Integrated Circu it i486 Integrated Circuit 7490 Integrated Circr rJ t 7108 Int egrated CircuiL n 7492 Integrated Circui t...

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Page 94: ...garae was originally purchased for replacemenL or repair insLructions Any pCB repairs atlempted by anlrone other lhan auttrorizecl A ari Service Cenier personnel wiII voicl the warranly If ihe PCB fails after the warrantv period has expired iE will be repaired for a nominal parts and labor charge l Atari rnc warrants the Tv n1onitor for a period of 30 days corleencinq the day of shipn ent from ttr...

Page 95: ... and parts list replace those printed in the Goal IV manual name ly A003838 Bar Top Assembly No el ectrical changes have been made to the game with this knob pJ acement modification r I Operation Maintenance and Service Manual Amended Table Tcp Assembly Drawing hose owning the Goal IV rable top instead of on game with all the base ATARI INC I4600 NCHESTEB 9u 1gr iFD LOS GATCS CAL FORNIA 9503C IELE...

Page 96: ...S 78 340r 003845 PART oF ITEM 13 72 6824 72 66t2 75 015S 75 915S 003881 1 1 1 4 1 8 4 18 3 1 16 16 2 I 2 I 4 4 4 4 Descri t ion Tabletop Cover Tabletop Trim Tabletop Switch Assembly Harness Top Pop Rivet Bo1t Carriage 2A x 3 Lg Screw Wood Flat Head 6 x 3 8 Lg Panel Cover Panel Cover Screw Button Head Socket CaP Washer f Iat 10 3 Chain Bolt Stanley 1055 Chain Release Chain Gui de Screw SM Self Tapp...

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