Before you begin performing administration procedures, be sure to complete all the
necessary forms:
A System Configuration Form to keep a record of how the lines in your system
are arranged.
Voice Terminal Configuration Forms to record the lines and features assigned
to all voice terminals. Fill out one of these for each voice terminal.
When you ordered your system, you should have filled out these forms when you
completed the MERLIN Communications System Planning Guide: Models 1030 and
3070 with Feature Module 5. If you did not, turn to the Appendix, photocopy the forms
included there, and fill them out before you proceed further. These forms serve as
important references throughout later system administration procedures.
During system administration the buttons on the administrator/attendant console per-
form different functions than they do when the console is being used to handle calls.
Therefore, you need a different set of button labels whenever you use the console
for system administration.
Two sets of button labels for administrator/attendant consoles are provided in the back
of this manual. One is for small systems (systems with switch H on the control unit
set in the up position to 1-8 Lines), and the other is for large systems (systems with
switch H on the control unit set in the down position >8 Lines). If you have an economy
administrator/attendant console for a large system, you’ll use the labels for slots 1
through 4 only. If you have an administrator/attendant console with an Attendant In-
tercom elector, you’ll use the labels for slots 5 through 7 as well.
Write in the telephone numbers of your outside lines on your administration mode
button labels. If you have a small system or a large system with an Attendant Inter-
com Selector, fill in the appropriate individual or group name for each intercom
number as well. You may want to refer to your completed configuration forms as you
fill in the button labels. Keep the button labels and completed configuration forms
handy for use whenever you administer your system.
Before you begin administration procedures, choose a time when you do not expect
many people to be using their voice terminals. When you perform some administra-
tion procedures, the system blocks all calls on the lines or voice terminals with which
you are working. Blocked voice terminals generate soft, periodic beeps to alert peo-
ple that they cannot be used. If you accidentally try to administer a voice terminal
that has an active call, you do not cut off the caller. Rather, you are unable to con-
tinue administering that voice terminal until it is idle.