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Safety Information

This symbol is to alert you to important operating 
or servicing instructions that may appear in this 

user’s manual. Always follow basic safety precautions when 
using this product to reduce the risk of injury, fire, or 
electric shock.

1 Read and understand all instructions in the user’s 

manual. Observe all markings on the product.

2 Avoid using a telephone during a thunderstorm.

There may be a slight chance of electric shock from lightning.

3 Do not use a telephone in the vicinity of a gas leak.

If you suspect a gas leak, report it immediately, but use a
telephone away from the area where gas is leaking. If this
product is a cordless model, make sure the base is also away
from the area.

4 Do not use this product near water, or when you are

wet. For example, do not use it in a wet basement or shower,
or next to a swimming pool, bathtub, kitchen sink, or laundry
tub. Do not use liquids or aerosol sprays for cleaning. If the
product comes in contact with any liquids, unplug any line or
power cord immediately. Do not plug the product back in 
until it has dried thoroughly.

5 Install this product in a protected location where no

one can trip over any line or power cords. Protect cords from
damage or abrasion.

6 If this product does not operate normally, read “In

Case of Difficulty” in the user’s manual. If you cannot
solve the problem, or if the product is damaged, refer to the
Limited Warranty. Do not open this product except as may be
directed in your user’s manual. Opening the product or
reassembling it incorrectly may expose you to hazardous
voltages or other risks.

7 If this product has user-replaceable batteries, replace

batteries only as described in your user’s manual. Do
not burn or puncture batteries — they contain caustic

8 If this product has a three-prong (grounding) plug or

a polarized plug with one wide prong, it may not fit 
in non-polarized outlets. 
Do not defeat the purpose of
these plugs. If they do not fit in your outlet, the outlet should
be replaced by an electrician.

CAUTION: Use only the power adapter provided 
with this product. To obtain a replacement, call 
1 800 222–3111.


Especially About Cordless Telephones

Privacy: The same features that make a cordless phone
convenient create some limitations. Telephone calls are
transmitted between the base and the handset by radio waves,
so there is a possibility that your cordless phone conversations
could be intercepted by radio receiving equipment within range
of the cordless handset. For this reason, you should not 
think of cordless phone conversations as being as private
as those on corded phones.

Electrical Power: The base unit of this cordless telephone 
must be connected to a working electrical outlet. The 
electrical outlet should not be controlled by a wall switch. Calls
cannot be made from the handset if the base unit is
unplugged or switched off, or if the electrical power is

Potential TV Interference:

Some cordless telephones

operate at frequencies that may cause interference to TVs and
VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, do not place 
the base unit of the cordless telephone near or on top of a TV 
or VCR. If interference is experienced, moving the cordless
telephone farther away from the TV or VCR will often reduce 
or eliminate the interference. (Applies to 25-channel cordless
phones only.)

Rechargeable Batteries: This product contains either Nickel-
Cadmium or Nickel-Metal Hydride rechargeable batteries.
Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to short the
battery with conducting material such as rings, bracelets, and 
keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause harm.
Observe proper polarity between the battery and the battery

Nickel-Cadmium Rechargeable Batteries: Must be 
recycled or disposed of properly. Do not dispose of in 
household garbage. Do not burn or puncture. Like other 
batteries of this type, if burned or punctured, they could release
caustic material which could cause injury.


Seal means that the manufacturer is  

voluntarily participating in an industry program 
to collect and recycle Nickel-Cadmium 
rechargeable batteries when taken out of service

within the United States. These batteries may be

taken to a participating local retailer of replacement batteries or
recycling center. Or you may call 1 800 8BATTERY for 
locations accepting spent Nickel-Cadmium Batteries.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Rechargeable Batteries: Dispose 
of these batteries in a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture.
Like other batteries of this type, if burned or punctured, they
could release caustic material which could cause injury.

Precautions for Users of
Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers

Cardiac Pacemakers  (applies only to 900 MHz Digital
Cordless Telephones):

Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an independent
research entity, led a multidisciplinary evaluation of the
interference between portable wireless telephones and
implanted cardiac pacemakers. Supported by the U.S. Food 
and Drug Administration, WTR had recommended to 
physicians that:


• Should keep wireless phones at least six inches from the


• Should  NOT place wireless phones directly over the

pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when it is turned ON

• Should use the wireless phone at the ear opposite the


WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystanders with
pacemakers from other persons using wireless phones.

Especially About 
Telephone Answering Systems

Two-Way Recording: This unit does not sound warning 
beeps to let the other party know that the call is being recorded.
To ensure that you are in compliance with any federal or state
regulations regarding recording a telephone call, you should start
the recording process and then inform the other party that you
are recording the call.

FCC and ACTA Information

If this equipment was approved for connection to the telephone
network prior to July 23, 2001, it complies with Part 68 of the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. If the
equipment was approved after that date, it complies with the 
Part 68 rules and with Technical Requirements for Connection 
of Equipment to the Telephone Network adopted by the
Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments (ACTA). We 
are required to provide you with the following information.

1 Product identifier and REN information

The label on the back or bottom of this equipment contains,
among other things, an identifier indicating product approval
and the Ringer Equivalence Number (REN).


information must be provided to your local telephone
company upon request. For equipment approved prior to 
July  23, 2001, the product identifier is preceded by the 
phrase “FCC Reg No.” and the REN is listed separately. For
equipment approved after that date, the product identifier is
preceded by “US” and a colon (:), and the REN is encoded 
in the product identifier without a decimal point as the sixth
and seventh characters following the colon. For example,
the product identifier US:AAAEQ03T123XYZ would
indicate an REN of 0.3.

The REN is used to determine how many devices you may
connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when
you are called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of all RENs
should be five (5.0) or less. You may want to contact your 
local telephone company for more information.

2 Connection and use with the nationwide telephone

The plug and jack used to connect this equipment to the
premises wiring and the telephone network must comply
with the applicable Part 68 rules and technical requirements
adopted by ACTA. A compliant telephone cord and 
modular plug is provided with this product. It is designed to
be connected to a compatible modular jack that is also 

compliant. An RJ11 jack should normally be used for
connecting to a single line and an RJ14 jack for two lines. See
Installation Instructions in the user’s manual.This equipment
may not be used with Coin Telephone Lines or with Party
Lines. If you have specially wired alarm dialing equipment
connected to your telephone line, ensure the connection of
this equipment does not disable your alarm equipment. If 
you have questions about what will disable alarm equipment,
consult your telephone company or qualified installer.

3 Repair instructions

If this equipment is malfunctioning, it must be unplugged from
the modular jack until the problem has been corrected.
Repairs to this telephone equipment can only be made by the
manufacturer or its authorized agents. For repair 
procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the
Limited Warranty.

4 Rights of the telephone company

If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network,
the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your
telephone service. The telephone company is required to
notify you before interrupting service. If advance notice is not
practical, you will be notified as soon as possible.You will be
given the opportunity to correct the problem and the
telephone company is required to inform you of your right 
to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone company
may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or
procedures that could affect the proper functioning of this
product. The telephone company is required to notify you if
such changes are planned.

5 Hearing aid compatibility 

If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset,
it is hearing aid compatible.

6 Programming/testing of emergency numbers

If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose
to store police, fire department and emergency medical
service telephone numbers in these locations. If you do,
please keep three things in mind:

We  recommend that you also write the telephone

number on the directory card (if applicable), so that you
can still dial the emergency number manually if the
memory dialing feature doesn’t work.

This feature is provided only as a convenience, and the

manufacturer assumes no responsibility for customer
reliance upon the memory feature.

Testing the emergency telephone numbers you have

stored is not recommended. However, if you do make a
call to an emergency number:

You must remain on the line and briefly explain the
reason for the call before hanging up.

Programming/testing of emergency numbers should
be performed during off-peak hours, such as in the
early morning or late evening, when the emergency
services tend to be less busy.

Interference Information:
Part 15 of FCC Rules

Some telephone equipment generates, uses, and can 
radiate radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and 
used properly, may cause interference to radio and 
television reception.

This product has been tested and found to meet the 
standards for a Class B digital device, as specified in Part 15 of 
the FCC Rules. These specifications are designed to 
provide reasonable protection against such interference in 
a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.

If this product causes interference to radio, VCR or 
television reception when it is in use, you might correct 
the interference with any one or all of these measures:

— Where it can be done safely, re-orient the receiving 

radio,VCR or television antenna.

— To the extent possible, relocate the radio, VCR, television 

or other receiver with respect to the telephone equipment.

— If this telephone product runs on AC power, plug your

product into an AC outlet that’s not on the same circuit as
one used by your radio,VCR or television.

Modifications to this product, not expressly approved by
the manufacturer, could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.

Limited Warranty

The AT&T brands are used under license. Any repair,
replacement or warranty service, and all questions about this
product should be directed to: Advanced American Telephones,
1 800 222–3111 or

1 What does this limited warranty cover?

The manufacturer of this AT&T-branded product, Advanced
American Telephones  (“AAT”), warrants to the holder of a
valid proof of purchase (“CONSUMER” or “YOU”) that
the product and all accessories provided by AAT in the sales
package (“PRODUCT”) are free from material defects in
material and workmanship, pursuant to the following terms
and conditions, when installed and used normally and in
accordance with operation instructions.This limited warranty
extends only to the CONSUMER for  PRODUCTS
purchased and used in the United States of America.

2 W













During the limited warranty period, AAT’s authorized
service representative will repair or replace, at AAT’
option, without charge, a MATERIALLY DEFECTIVE
. If  AAT repairs this PRODUCTAAT may
use new or refurbished replacement parts. If AAT chooses 
to replace this PRODUCTAAT may replace it with a new
or refurbished PRODUCT of the same or similar design.
AAT will return repaired or replacement PRODUCTS to
YOU in working condition.
AAT will retain defective parts, modules, or equipment.
Repair or replacement of PRODUCT, at AAT’s option, is
your exclusive remedy. YOU should expect the repair or
replacement to take approximately 30 days.

3 H



The limited warranty period for the PRODUCT extends for
ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase.

If AAT repairs or replaces a MATERIALLY DEFECTIVE
under the terms of this limited warranty, this
limited warranty also applies to repaired or replacement
PRODUCTS for a period of either (a) 90 days from the 
date the repaired or replacement PRODUCT is shipped to
YOU or (b) the time remaining on the original one-year
limited warranty, whichever is longer.

4 W



This limited warranty does not cover:

a PRODUCT that has been subjected to misuse, accident,

shipping or other physical damage, improper installation,
abnormal operation or handling, neglect, inundation, fire,
water, or other liquid intrusion; or

b PRODUCT that has been damaged due to repair,

alteration, or modification by anyone other than an
authorized service representative of AAT; or

c PRODUCT to the extent that the problem experienced

is caused by signal conditions, network reliability or cable
or antenna systems; or

d PRODUCT to the extent that the problem is caused by

use with non-AAT accessories; or

e PRODUCT whose warranty/quality stickers, product

serial number plates or electronic serial numbers have
been removed, altered or rendered illegible; or


PRODUCT purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for
repair from outside the United States, or used for
commercial or institutional purposes (including but not
limited to PRODUCTS used for rental purposes); or

g PRODUCT returned without valid proof of purchase

(see 6 below); or

charges for installation or setup, adjustment of customer

controls, and installation or repair of systems outside 
the unit.

5 H





To obtain warranty service in the United States of America,
call 1 800 222–3111 for instructions regarding where to
return the PRODUCT. Before calling for service, please
check the user’s manual. A check of the PRODUCT
controls and features may save YOU a service call.

Except as provided by applicable law, YOU assume the risk 
of loss or damage during transit and transportation and are
responsible for delivery or handling charges incurred in the
transport of PRODUCT(S) to the service location. AAT
will return repaired or replaced PRODUCT under this
limited warranty to YOU, transportation, delivery or
handling charges prepaid. AAT assumes no risk for damage
or loss of the PRODUCT in transit.

If the PRODUCT failure is not covered by this limited
warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of
this limited warranty, AAT will notify YOU and will request
that YOU authorize the cost of repair prior to any further
repair activity. YOU must pay for the cost of repair and
return shipping costs for the repair of PRODUCTS that are
not covered by this limited warranty.

6 W








YOU must:

return the entire original package and contents including

the PRODUCT to the AAT service location along with
a description of the malfunction or difficulty;

include “valid proof of purchase” (sales receipt)

identifying the PRODUCT purchased (PRODUCT
model) and the date of purchase or receipt (keep a copy
for your records); and

provide your name, complete and correct mailing

address, and telephone number.

7 O


This warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement
between YOU and AAT. It supersedes all other written or
oral communications related to this PRODUCTAAT
provides no other warranties for this PRODUCT. The
warranty exclusively describes all of AAT’s  responsibilities
regarding the PRODUCT. There are no other express
warranties. No one is authorized to make modifications to
this limited warranty and YOU should not rely on any such
State Law Rights: This warranty gives YOU specific legal
rights, and YOU may also have other rights which vary from
state to state.
Implied warranties, including those of fitness for a
particular purpose and merchantability (an
unwritten warranty that the PRODUCT is fit for
ordinary use) are limited to one year from date of
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied
warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to
In no event shall AAT be liable for any indirect,
special, incidental, consequential, or similar damages
(including, but not limited to lost profits or revenue,
inability to use the PRODUCT, or other associated
equipment, the cost of substitute equipment, and
claims by third parties) resulting from the use of this
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation
or exclusion may not apply to YOU.

Please retain your receipt as your proof of purchase.

© 2001 Advanced American Telephones.
All Rights Reserved.
AT&T and the Globe Design are 
trademarks of AT&T Corp., licensed to 
Advanced American Telephones.

Printed in China. Issue 6 AT&T  12/03


Part 1

© 2001 Advanced American Telephones. All Rights Reserved.

AT&T and the Globe Design are trademarks of AT&T Corp.,

licensed to Advanced American Telephones.






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