Installation Quick Start Guide
Using the User Documentation Set
Quick Start
Intended Audience
This documentation is intended for users who are experienced in configuring computer
systems with new add-in cards or have had previous experience with Intel® Integrated
RAID (IIR) Controllers.
Read and adhere to all warnings, cautions, and notices in this guide and the other
documents in the user documentation set supplied with this product.
Using the User Documentation Set
User documentation for this product is provided in three (3) separate documents:
Installation Quick Start Guide
The Installation Quick Start Guide, or Quick Start Guide, covers the installation of the IIR
controller hardware and software on a bootable host drive with the following operating
systems (OS):
Microsoft Windows* 2000
Microsoft Windows NT* 4.0
Novell NetWare* 4.2x and 5.x
UnixWare* 7.1.1
Refer to the accompanying software guide for more complex installations and for
installations on different OS’s.
Hardware Installation and User’s Guide
The Hardware Installation and User’s Guide, or Hardware Guide, covers instructions for
installing an IIR controller and provides a guide to its features and specifications. For a
particular IIR controller, its hardware guide documents compatible RAID adapters,
supported OS’s, standard features and optional features.
Software Installation and User’s Guide
The Software Installation and User’s Guide, or Software Guide, contains:
detailed instructions for the hardware and software installation of an IIR controller
descriptions to using the RAID Software Suite, the drivers, tools and utilities of the IIR
The first part of the software guide provides an overview of RAID technology and its
features. Next, the guide documents various installation procedures for an IIR controller
and the RAID Software Suite, depending on the chosen OS configuration. The software
guide then includes descriptions of the utilities, Storage Console (StorCon) and Storage