ASUS C-PKND User’s Manual
Heatsink support
base post
Heatsink support
top bar
7. Secure the Heatsink: Slide the Heatsink Support top bar into the bottom groove
of the heatsink until it locks into the heatsink support base posts.
NOTE: This step is only applicable when you install the heatsink without fan.
8. Install the Guide Plate Retainer: Screw the retainer (8) into the guide plate.
9. Set Jumpers: Refer to CPU to BUS Frequency Ratio and BUS Frequency
Selection (baseboard’s) for the jumper settings.
NOTE: If you are using a heatsink with fan and CPU fan connectors are not avail-
able on the baseboard, you may now connect the CPU fan leads into their corre-
sponding connectors on the CPU card. If your baseboard has CPU fan connectors,
connect the leads into the baseboard’s connectors after the assembled CPU card is
inserted into the baseboard. Connecting through the baseboard allows fan monitor-
ing through the baseboard’s LM78. LM78 is available only on baseboards with revi-
sion numbers of 2.04 and later.