V4.3 10/09/19
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The search facility displays detailed information regarding the Item and User. This information includes....
The last user of an item
The current user of an item
Status of the item
Position of the item
Description of the item
The search facility does not require a user to access the system; it can be used straight from the login screen.
Click the Search button.
The search window will then appear allowing you to type text to search, such as user names, item descriptions
and Compartment numbers.
Partial searches can be made, e.g. if you wanted to find an item that matched the description ‘Barcode
Scanner’ instead of typing the whole description you could enter ‘scanner’ and the system will search for
any description with that word. The searches are also not case sensitive.
Enter the description or the number of the item you wish to search for and click the
(enter) button.
After a few seconds your results will appear.