3.4 Server Mgmt
IPMI Interface Type
Use this item to confugure the type of interface to communicate BMC from HOST.
Wait For BMC
Wait For BMC response for specified time out. BMC starts at the same time when
BIOS starts during AC power ON. It takes around 90 seconds to initialize Host to BMC
FRB-2 Timer
Use this item to enable or disable FRB-2 timer (POST timer).
FRB-2 Timer Timeout
Enter value between 1 to 30 min for FRB-2 Timer Expiration.
FRB-2 Timer Policy
Use this item to configure how the system should respond if the FRB-2 Timer expires. Not
available if FRB-2 Timer is disabled.
OS Watchdog Timer
If enabled, starts a BIOS timer which can only be shut off by Management Software after
the OS loads. Helps determine that the OS successfully loaded or follows the OS Boot
Watchdog Timer policy.