EFD1000 E5 Dual Electronic Flight Instrument (EFI) Install Manual
DOCUMENT # 900-00041-001
PAGE 164-226
© Copyright 2019 Aspen Avionics Inc.
NOTE: The self-test page on these types of GPS may not pull the lateral flag and therefore may not
show a valid CDI or to/from indication when in test mode.
NAV Receiver Sensor Test (label as VLOC1)
Select VLOC1 on the EFD and create a valid and invalid condition with a Nav Signal
Generator verifying that the NAV Flag is displayed (Red Slash) when invalid.
Tune an ILS frequency on the Nav Receiver and verify the LDI (Localizer) scale is
displayed on the ADI portion of the EFD.
Tune the Nav Signal Generator to the ILS test frequency and generate a valid Glide
Slope signal. Verify the VDI (Glide Slope) scale appears on the right side of the ADI.
Generate a signal above and below the Glide Slope beam and verify proper polarity of
the GS deviation for Fly Up and Fly Down on the EFD.
NOTE: The EFD1000 E5 system will not display a VDI (Glide Slope) indicator without both valid
localizer and Glide Slope signals
Backup Navigation Indicator
Verify the backup navigation indicator continues to function after pulling the EFD and
ACU circuit breakers.
Autopilot Sensor Test
Refer to autopilot manufacturer’s post installation check out procedures for complete
autopilot post installation ground checks. At a minimum complete the following checks
to verify the EFD1000 E5 interface is satisfactory.
NOTE: For attitude-based autopilots it might be necessary to level the autopilot gyro to get proper
FD and autopilot response from the test.
CAUTION: Verify control surfaces are free and clear.
If installed, center the HDG Bug under the lubber line and engage the autopilot and
select HDG Mode.
The yoke should not turn.
Move the HDG Bug left of the lubber line and the yoke should bank left.
Move the HDG Bug to right of lubber line and the yoke should bank right.
With NAV1 selected on the EFD and a valid Nav Signal generated engage the autopilot
in NAV Mode and verify that the yoke follows the CRS Pointer in phasing.
Verify that the autopilot responds to correct Left/Right phasing by generating left
and right needle deflection. For autopilots that monitor the NAV FLAG, generate an
invalid Nav Signal and verify autopilot responds accordingly.
Engage APPR Mode and verify that the autopilot responds correctly to a generated Fly
Up and Fly Down command. For autopilots that monitor the GS FLAG, generate an
invalid GS Signal and verify autopilot responds accordingly.