• From inside a Multi you can browse the
Single mode patch banks (A-H) and the
Upper / Lower patches of other Multis.
• As soon as a patch is selected it is copied
into the active part (Upper or Lower) of the
current Multi, after which you can edit that
patch without affecting the original patch.
• When the Multi is saved, that patch
becomes a component of the Multi as its
Lower or Upper part.
From that point forward the copied patch
inside the Multi and the original Single mode
patch exist in parallel universes, so to speak:
you can move, edit, or overwrite the patch in
either mode without affecting the patch in the
other mode.
Color schemes
One difference between Single and Multi
modes is that the top panel can be different
colors in Multi mode. The Access buttons
will have orange letters when you’re on the
Home page of either mode, but in Multi mode
they change colors when one of the parts is
Mode Active
Access button
Can color
Multi Both
Multi Upper Yellow (default) Yes [1]
Multi Lower Blue (default)
Yes [1]
[1] Upper/Lower part colors are set globally for
all Multis on
Overview of Multi Mode
To summarize, in Single mode a Hydrasynth Deluxe is equivalent to one 16-voice Hydrasynth.
But in Multi mode it becomes two perfectly integrated 8-voice Hydrasynths, also known as the
Upper and Lower parts. Taken together, they become a Multi patch.
Parts & Patches: a primer
These terms can be confusing at first because
both Single and Multi modes have “patches”.
But those are very different things:
• A Single mode patch contains all of
the parameters needed to make one
Hydrasynth patch.
• A Multi mode patch contains two complete
Hydrasynth patches inside one shell (the
Multi patch).
But there’s more to it than that: Sometimes in
Multi mode the Upper and Lower components
are called “parts” and sometimes they are
called “patches.” Here’s how we’ll use those
• “Upper / Lower part” refers to parameters
at the Multi level: balance, mode, keyboard
zone, octave shift, controller settings, etc.
• “Upper / Lower patch” refers to the synth
parameters contained by each Multi part.
What’s a Multi patch?
Hydrasynth Deluxe holds 640 Multi patches,
arranged in 5 banks of 128. Each one contains:
1. The Multi patch, with its own name,
category, and color
2. Multi Edit settings such as the Dual/
KeySplit mode, note and velocity ranges,
crossfades, and controller settings
3. A Macro Assign page, where you can
route a Macro to one or both parts
4. The Upper and Lower parts, each with a
self-contained patch that is completely
independent from Single mode.
Patch selection in Multi mode
There are two levels of patch selection in Multi
mode: Banks M1-M5, where Multis are selected,
and the patch banks inside a Multi, where
patches are selected for the Upper/Lower parts.
It’s important to remember that the Left/Right
arrows and the Patch knob will always select
a new Multi, even when one of the parts has
been selected. It’s different when browsing