Operating Manual - nX, nXe, and nXp 150W/75W Power Amplifiers
In addition to iPad control, the following Ashly devices are available for remote control of amplifier functions.
11.1 WR-1 Level Control (All nX models)
- The WR-1 is a dual potentiometer remote volume control
designed to fit in a standard wall electrical box, and is wired to the amplifier back panel Euroblock connector labeled
“Remote DC Level”. If wiring a custom potentiometer other than the WR-1, c5V from the remote level control
Euroblock connector to the potentiometer's CW pin, GND to the CCW pin, and the channel under control to the wiper.
Do not connect the WR-1 remote level control ground to any other external grounds.
11.1 - WR-1 Assembly
11.1a - WR-1 Wiring
11.2 WR-1.5 Level Control and Preset Recall Switch
Control all models, preset recall on nXe and nXp models only)
- The
WR-1.5 has a four position rotary switch for selection of stored amplifier
presets 1-4, and a potentiometer for remote DC level control of one amplifier
channel. Clear windows are provided for user generated labels.
11.2 - WR-1.5
11.3 WR-2 Preset Recall Switches
(nXe and nXp only)
- The WR-2
allows selection of stored amplifier presets 1-4 using pushbutton switches.
Each pushbutton switch is connected to a preset recall pin on the back panel
of the amplifier under control. The terminal numbers correspond to the first
4 preset memory locations in the controlled amplifier. Pressing a button
will select and load the corresponding amplifier preset. Clear windows are
provided for a user-generated label.
11.3 - WR-2