Ashly mXa-1502 Firmware Update Instructions Download Page 1

mXa-1502 Network Connection & Firmware Update Instructions


Getting Connected


: The mXa-1502 has a built-in web server delivering Ashly AquaControl™ software right to your computer or 

mobile device. The mXa-1502 can connect to your device using an Ethernet/Wi-Fi router or via a direct Ethernet connection 

to your PC. AquaControl is accessed through the web browser on your device. Supported browsers include current versions 

of Chrome®, Edge®, and Safari®. For best results, Ashly recommends a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768, and screen 

size of 10” or larger.

Ethernet Connection

: The mXa-1502 comes configured with automatic IP assignment as the default, to ensure 

compatibility with your network/computer. This means you must initially connect its Ethernet jack to a network router for 

automatic IP assignment (DHCP), or alternatively connect it directly to a computer for automatic Link Local IP assignment. 

Once connected you may access AquaControl software to change the mXa-1502 to static IP, if desired. 

Getting Started

: Apply power to the mXa-1502 and router (if used) and boot your computer or mobile device. Wait a 

couple minutes for all devices to boot and establish network connections. Launch the web browser on your computer or 

mobile device and enter the mXa-1502’s unique hostname address in the address bar. The format is http://mxa1502_(mac 

address).local/ and the mac address can be found on a sticker on the back or side of the unit. Here’s an example hostname 



. This will bring you to the AquaControl login screen. Use the factory 

default login credentials, User ID: 




. If you are unable to load the AquaControl login screen in your 

browser, try the alternate network discovery instructions below.


Alternate Network Discovery Instructions

Use the steps below to discover the mXa-1502 based on the device platform you are using.

Windows® 10: 

1) Open File Explorer, (type “File Explorer” in the Windows search bar to find it). In the File Explorer app click on the 

“Network” section in the left side pane. A list of all connected network devices should begin populating. Wait for the list to 

complete and skip to step 3. If the list doesn’t populate, you may have to right-click in the right side pane and select refresh 

or enable Windows Network Discovery - see step 2.
2) To enable Windows Network Discovery, click on the yellow warning message at the top of File Explorer’s right side pane in 

the Network section. Repeat Step 1.
3) Your mXa-1502 may appear in the “Other Devices” list (sometimes referred to as SSDP Plug’N’Play). The mXa-1502’s 

MAC address is added to the end of it’s name. The mXa-1502 MAC address is printed on a sticker attached to the mXa-1502 

back or side panel. Double-click on the device icon to automatically launch the software. If you do not see your mXa-1502 

listed here, go to step 4, otherwise skip to step 7. 
4) In certain cases, your mXa-1502 will appear in the “Computer” section of the network list. If this is the case, double-click 

on it and proceed to step 5.
5) Double-click on the AquaControl shared folder and proceed to step 6.
6) Double-click on the index.html link to launch the software. Proceed to step 7.
7) Log in to AquaControl software. Enter your username and password and press the Log In button. If this is the first log-in to 

a new unit, use the factory default credentials, User ID: 





1) From the desktop, click <Go>, then click on <Network>. The list of all Network devices will start populating. Wait for the list 

to complete. 
2) Find your mXa-1502 in the network device list. The mXa-1502’s MAC address is added to the end of it’s name. The MAC 

address is printed on a sticker attached to the mXa-1502 back or side panel. Double-click on the mXa device name.
3) Double click on the resulting <AquaControl> icon. 
4) Double-click on the resulting <index.html> file to launch the software. 
5) Log in to AquaControl software. Enter your username and password and press the Log In button. If this is the first log-in to 

a new unit, use the factory default credentials, User ID: 



