Asentria SiteBoss 571 UserManual
Page 42
Source Interface
This option toggles between NONE, ETH1, ETH2, E1V1- E1V6, E2V1-E2V6, PPPP, Wireless, and VPN. The
default setting is NONE.
ETH1 specifies Ethernet port number 1
ETH2 specifies Ethernet port number 2
E1V1 through E1V6 refer to the VLAN routes associated with Ethernet1
E2V1 through E2V6 refer to the VLAN routes associated with Ethernet2
PPPP specifies Pots Modem PPP
Wireless specifies Wireless Modem PPP
VPN specifies a Virtual Private Network
Source Port
Set the port on which the source interface communicates with the unit. Values are 0
– 65535. The default setting
is 0.
Destination Interface
The Destination Interface toggles between NONE, ETH1, ETH2, ETHEXPAN, E1V1- E1V6, E2V1-E2V6, PPPP,
Wireless, SPPP and VPN. The default setting is NONE.
Destination Address
Set the IP address of the destination interface. The default setting is
Destination Port
Set the port on which the unit communicates with the destination interface. Values are 0 to 65535. The default
setting is 0.
Ethernet to PPP/Wireless Settings
Ethernet to Wireless Settings enable the SiteBoss to forward IP frames originating on Ethernet that are not IP-
addressed to the unit as well as forward IP frames received on a wireless interface that are associated with
forwarded frames that originated on Ethernet.
SiteBoss 571 - Ethernet to PPP/Wireless Settings
A) Enable [OFF]
This is an ON/OFF toggle to enable Ethernet to PPP/Wireless routing. The default setting is OFF.
NAT is an ON/OFF toggle that will enable network address translation on the forwarded frames. Without NAT,
a server on PPP would receive a forwarded frame that is IP-addressed according to the network on the
Ethernet interface. The default setting is ON.
PPP to Ethernet Settings
The SiteBoss can be enabled to forward IP frames originating on PPP that are not IP-addressed to the unit, as
well as forward IP frames received on any Ethernet or VLAN interface that are associated with forwarded
frames that originated on PPP.
SiteBoss 571 - PPP to Ethernet Settings
A) Enable [OFF]
B) Ethernet Interface [ETH1]
This is an ON/OFF toggle to enable PPP to Ethernet routing. The default setting is OFF.