TD 92483GB
2008-06-05/ Ver. B
Installation and Operation Manual
UPAC- Unite Packet for Messaging and Alarm
Refresh the page and check the result. All buttons except the buttons will expand/
decrease when the text is translated. The width of the Administration buttons is
fixed but can be altered in the HTML file “admin.html”.
12.2.5 Upload the Files to the UPAC FTP Area
Upload/paste all updated UPAC files (including GIFs and CSS) to the UPAC FTP area.
Log on to UPAC with an FTP client, for example Internet Explorer: Fill in the UPAC
host name in the address field “”. Log on with “ftpuser”. The
default password is “changemetoo”.
Copy the files and paste them into the FTP area.
12.3 Password Protected Access to NetPage
If access to NetPage has to be password protected, do as follows:
Log on to UPAC with an FTP client, for example Internet Explorer: Fill in the NetPage
host name in the address field “”. Log on with “ftpuser”. The
default password is “changemetoo”.
Change the name of the file “htaccess” to “.htaccess” (a point is added in front of
the name).
With this modification, one has to log on with the user name “user” to get access to
NetPage. The default password is “password”.
12.4 Test the New User Interface
It is recommended to test the customized user interface as follows, for example:
• If a company logotype is added, check that it looks all right and that UPAC opens
quickly. If UPAC opens slowly, minimize the picture file size and save it as “interlaced”
to decrease wait time for the image.
• Check that all text is correctly translated.
• Send a message.
• Check that the “message history status” is received and displayed.
12.5 Update the User Interface after a new UPAC Release
When a new version of the UPAC is released, there might be changes in the user interface
that need to be translated.
Import your old translated file to the new UPAC software version. New text and
buttons in the user interface are shown in English.
Click the language file link and save it.
Open the file. All tags that are not translated are marked with the comment:
<!-- The text identifier below couldn't be translated -->
Translate the new text and import the translated file again.