TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
Medical Rail Socket (NIMS2)
The Medical Rail Socket (NIMS2) is a teleCARE IP peripheral.
is designed to be flush mounted
by two screws in an opening in a medical rail.
The NIMS2 supports teleCARE IP speech and stereo TV audio input from the television interface module.
Figure 94. Medical Rail Module NIMS2 (top, front, bottom)
The NIMS2 is connected to the teleCARE IP room bus by a 4-pin connector. The room bus connector
includes the 5.5Vdc power supply for the NIMS2.
The medical rail socket is functionally compatible with the teleCARE IP bedside module. It includes the
teleCARE Safe Release Socket.
The medical rail socket is supplied with two self-tapping screws which are used to mount the socket in
the medical rail.
In addition to the a 4-pole connector for the room bus, the NIBM2 has connectors for the following
inputs and outputs:
• Control outputs for 2 light switching relays
• Stereo TV audio input from the television interface module
• External call input with a reassurance LED output
• NISP speech module