TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
Installation Examples
1). All references to the NISE socket extension module and NIMS medical rail socket
do not apply for UL 2560 systems.
2). References to the NISE socket extension module can be interpreted as applying to
the speech module (NISP) instead.
2-Bed Room with Active Toilet Cancel and Active Pull Cord Peripherals
A typical basic installation of a teleCARE IP system consists of one room controller with integrated
corridor lamp (NIRC3) to which the peripherals are connected. The room controller offers four room
buses which connect the peripherals to the room controller
The example shown in the Illustration below is a 2-bed room with active peripherals for the toilet and
shower. Each bed is equipped with a bedside module, and a handset.
Figure 173. Typical 2-bed room with active toilet and shower peripherals