TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
teleCARE IP Wireless Components
8.7.1 NUREP Wireless Repeater
The wireless repeater (NUREP) is the wireless infrastructure building-block of the wireless system. Wireless
repeaters receive the signals from the wireless modules from residents and all the wireless modules in the
resident room. Wireless repeaters also retransmit these signals to the central equipment (wireless
gateway), via other wireless repeaters. Therefore a wireless repeater must be able to reach the previous
and next wireless repeater in the chain.
Wireless repeaters are dual RF transceivers. One RF transceiver (916 to 921 MHz) is used for the local
traffic, events from the resident pendant, wrist transceiver or the fixed wireless modules in the room. The
other RF transceiver (IEEE 802.15.4) is used for transmitting the events to the other wireless repeaters,
thereby creating a wireless backbone that is capable of handling high traffic.
Repeaters are supervised by the central equipment. Repeaters deliver a complete 2-way radio
infrastructure, from the wireless device at the resident or room, to the central equipment.
Repeaters are mains powered via a 5VDC Class II power adapter that comes included with the repeater. it
also has a battery backup source providing power for
> 5 hours
, in case of mains power failure.
Figure 182. Wireless Repeater - NUREP