TD 93021US
17 July 2017 / Ver. PF3
Installation Guide
Wireless Infrastructure
The use of a full wireless infrastructure is an extension on the existing wireless functionality and is
intended for use in nursing homes and in assisted living facilities.
In an environment consisting mainly of wireless devices, a full wireless infrastructure can be achieved
using a wireless gateway (NIRC3 + NUREP) in combination with wireless repeaters (NUREP).
The wireless gateway can serve up to 12 repeaters divided into three subnets each containing a maximum
of four wireless repeaters (nodes). In a subnet, a node must always be installed in such a way that it is
able to contact the next and previous node in the subnet in sequential order of installation /
configuration. The first node added to a subnet must be able to contact the wireless gateway.
A wireless repeater (node) can only communicate with the previous and next node in
a subnet, communication from node to node between subnets is not possible.
Before commissioning a system using a wireless infrastructure, make sure to
test that the repeats (hops) are functioning correctly all the way from the last node in the
subnet towards the wireless gateway. In systems where multiple wireless gateways are
used, repeat this step for each wireless gateway configured.
Figure 179. Full wireless infrastructure example
The wireless repeaters communicate with each other through a secondary transceiver operating on the
2.4GHz band (IEEE 802.15.4).
Note: To minimize the risk of interference with other wireless networks in the 2.4GHz
range, for example Wi-Fi, a site survey should be performed to evaluate the RF
For Wi-Fi the 802.11b standard recommends the use of non-overlapping operating channels 1, 6 and 11
for North America. Although this operating practice is not mandatory, it is often employed where
multiple access points are in use. In the US and Canada, Wi-Fi channels 13 and 14 are not used, therefore
the wireless repeater channels 25 and 26 can be used for operation clear of Wi-Fi interference.
When deploying a teleCARE wireless infrastructure in an environment where resource planning and
bandwidth allocation can be guaranteed, a proper wireless repeater channel clear of Wi-Fi interference
can be selected to ensure acceptable co-existence with Wi-Fi.