RefeRence case
KsI 457
federation and cantons
Up to date, in case of a disaster or in
extraordinary sitUations the
aUthorities of the cantons coUld only
trigger the alarms of the sirens within
their own territory. conseqUently it
was not possible to make sUre to react
in time and efficiently in case of an
alarm event. the need to enforce and to
Update the siren alarming system was
an Urgent task to be completed. the aim
of the project was to provide two
command and control centers in each
canton in order to command and
control all sirens of the respective
ascom and the «federal office for
popUlation protection and disaster
relief» have in a close cooperation with
swisscom developed the solUtion
command and control center ksi 457.
solUtion ksi 457
command and control center KSI 457
is based on the ascom open Tas
platform. It is a Pc based application provided with an InfRaneT network interface
to access the decentralized
SFI 457
, the siren remote control units.
With this solution the sirens can be triggered individually, or according pre-
defined alarming scenario arrangements. The issue of an alarm can be restricted to
single sirens, specified regions or even nationwide, depending on the need of the
alarm reason and classification of the danger of the population.
The siren data administration will be performed on a MsI 457 administration
workstation. The administrators have to define groups of sirens according regional
layouts. It defines the sirens to be evoked by the depression of the central alarm
buttons in case of an alarm.
cUstomer benefit
Improved security because of
• faster and more purposeful triggering of siren alarms
• using the INFRANET as secured alarm transmission network
• permanent supervision and status control of the siren remote control system.
Cost saving because of
• no need for leased lines
• less need of command and control equipment
• integration of existing SFI 457siren remote control units already installed.
Simple operation because of
• clearly designed control panels for easy handling
• pre-defined dispositions available
• quick establishing of spontaneously required alerting areas.
KSI 457