Dranos 3
GSM-based call station for communication
and data transfer
Traffi c
Communicating without limits of place or
time. No need for fi xed or other networks. The
Dranos 3 call station makes communication and
data transfer possible via GSM networks, allow-
ing it to operate even in remote areas..
Dranos 3 is virtually unlimited
Do you need to transmit emergency calls, data or control signals reli-
ably to a central station? Do you need mobile emergency call and informa-
tion stations that can be put into operation at short notice? Do you want
to control and monitor decentralised systems in an environment without
fi xed network connections, or provide visitor information terminals or emer-
gency call stations? These are just a few of the situations where Dranos 3
is the perfect solution! The call station is ideal, for example, wherever there
is no landline connection or it would be prohibitively expensive to lay a
For emergency telephones on motorways, in parks, public areas,
recreational facilities and remote regions.
As provisional emergency telephones along motorway construc-
tion sites.
As a checking-in terminal at building sites.
As call stations for operating and monitoring entrance doors
and gates.
As mobile announcement and information terminals at trade
fairs and exhibitions.
As voice output modules for remote access to data via
telephone (e.g. temperature, depth of snow etc.)
GSM-R compatible