functionality sheet
colour coded mesaging
the colour coded messaging is created to make messages distinct and less
confusing, 10 colours can be adapted to suit every client’s daily operations.
Messages can be categorized indicating type of alarm or emphasising priority.
Healthcare situations
in hospitals different colours can be used to indicate messages from patients,
porters or technicians. Messages from different departments can also be
designated with a specific colour. a nurse needs to be able to clearly identify
status of all incoming tasks/messages.
examples of the use of colours to categorise and highlight messages
according to importance or source of type are personal alarms, patient calls,
cardiac arrest, code blue etc.
Industry situations
automatic alarms from production disturbances can be sent out to a group of
engineers in a predefined colour. When one of the engineers accepts the as-
signment the message changes colour which can be seen in the handsets of
everyone in the group and they will know that no action is required by them.
Different colours can for example be given to alarms connected to Kanban,
andon, machine stoppage or personal alarms.
the sophisticated message handling, available in
all ascom handsets with interactive messaging
functionality, means that messages can be high-
lighted with colours according to their priority/
urgency or to identify a specific department.
furthermore, colour coding can be used to
indicate a message’s status. to begin with the
alarm is red. When somebody accepts the request,
the message changes to yellow and when actions
have been completed it changes to green. When
sending a request to several people, those who do
not accept the assignment will know that some-
body has attended the message by looking at the
colour. if it has been answered, if it is being dealt
with or whether it requires further action.
March.2010 M0282801 R
ev A © Ascom (Sweden) AB Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Ascom Wireless Solutions
P.o. Box 8783 se-402 76 Göteborg, sweden
t +46 31 55 93 00 | f +46 31 55 20 31