product sheet
Ascom 914t
Multilingual display
the 914t is dust and waterproof
stores up to 10 messages or 480 characters
Fits in a shirt pocket
The rObuST pOCkeT reCeiver
wiTh A TwO-line diSplAy
the Ascom 914t is small enough to fit comfort-
ably in a pocket. It is especially developed to
withstand impact and hard use. smart functions
make it easy to operate. this is the perfect
message receiv er for hospitals and industries.
We devoted special thought to the needs of hospital staff and industry
workers when developing the 914t message receiver. resilience is essential
in these demanding environments, where equipment is subjected to heavy
punishment on a daily basis. the 914t is able to withstand impact and hard
use. It is both dust and water-proof in accordance with Ip64 classification.
Resilient and reliable messenger
A smart, simple and slim design makes it really easy to use. there is only
one operating button, which serves all functions. Long messages are
automatically scrolled, showing two lines at a time, twelve characters per
line, until the complete message has been displayed. It is possible to set
the receiver to alert with seven different types of signals for quick iden-
tification of messages. several other useful functions will ensure that your
914t serves as your reliable partner for many, many working hours.
All pagers can be powered by disposable or specially designed re-
chargeable NiMh batteries. Both pagers and batteries are made of materials
non-hazardous to the environment. Ascom provides you with a smarter
choice. the 914t takes a logical part in the system 900 product range.