Incision care for proper healing
Do not soak in bath, swim or do strenuous sports and activiites five days
Leave Tegaderm™ over the Steri-Strips™ for 2 days.Then, replace with a clean Tegaderm™ or sterile bandage.
Avoid getting the Teagaderm™ wet when showering
Change the Tegaderm™ if it is soiled
You can place the transmitter over the Tegaderm™ after the first day
Leave Steri-Strips™ on until they fall off for a minimum of 5-7 days.
Notify your doctor if:
• Steri-Strip™ come off before incision is fully closed
• You experience any pain, redness, swelling, warmth or drainage at the incision site
• You develop fever
• Skin over the sensor looks like it is thinning, depressed or changing color
Take Home Instructions
Important steps to remember
Warm Up Phase:
Occurs for the first 24 hours after sensor insertion. No glucose reading will be displayed on
Eversense® app. It is not necessary to wear your smart transmitter over the sensor during the warm
up phase.
Initialization Phase:
After 24 hours, put your smart transmitter back on over your sensor.
Make sure your smart transmitter is fully charged before placing over your sensor.
Press power button
and hold for 5
seconds to turn ON
the smart transmitter
• Open and use the
placement guide in the app
to place the smart
• It may take several seconds
for the signal strength to
appear. Place the
transmitter where signal
strength shows 2 to 3 bars
(good to excellent).
• Close the placement guide
after connection is made
Within 10 minutes – first calibration
is due
• You will receive a calibration prompt on
your Eversense® app
Carry out a
fingerstick blood glucose test
and enter the glucose value into the app
• You will receive three more calibration
prompts during the Initialization Phase.
Complete all within 36 hours
See your User Guide for more details
NOTE: Glucose readings will be displayed in the app a few
minutes after the 2nd calibration is successfully completed.
Insertion Date:
Attach smart transmitter
to arm