DDM200 user manual - hardware
Created by: MPuchner 01.2020
version: 9600024A
Original user manual
page 65 of 66
printed: 25.02.2020
Polar alignment with pier adapter
This chapter only describes the mechanical part of the polar alignment. The software manual
describes how to perform the polar alignment procedure.
To adjust the elevation angle you need to perform the following steps on both sides of the pier adapter:
Loosen the blue marked securing screws.
Make sure that the yellow marked screws are tightened.
Loosen the red marked screws.
If you want to lower the elevation angle you need to unscrew the upper yellow marked worm screws
until you reach the desired angle. If you want to increase the elevation angle you need to unscrew the
lower yellow marked screws and screw in the upper yellow marked screws.
When you reached the desired angle
tighten all the screws.
To adjust the azimuth angle slightly loosen the orange marked screws. Then screw out one of the pink
marked screws and screw the opposite pink marked screw in.
Figure 80
pier adapter polar alignment mechanism