To obtain warranty service for your Audibox, call, write, or
Email to ARX or the dealer you purchased it from. They
will give you the correct address to send your unit to. Have
your sales receipt showing date of purchase handy, and in-
clude a copy of it with your Audibox. Please pack the unit
well - we are not responsible for any damage caused by
unsuitable packing during shipment. Send the unit to us pre-
paid, by a delivery service like FedEx, UPS, or any other
service that can track the shipment. We will return it to you
freight paid. If you have any questions, or any part of this is
unclear, please write to ARX Systems in the country of pur-
chase, or to the address below.
PO Box 15,Moorabbin, Victoria 3189, Australia. Phone: +61
(0)3 9555 7859 Fax: +61 (0)3 9555 6747
You can Email the factory at:
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ARX Systems (ARX) warrants to the first purchaser of this Audibox
product that it is free from defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use and service. ARX’s sole obligation under this war-
ranty shall be to provide, without charge, parts and labour neces-
sary to remedy defects, if any, which appear within twelve (12)
months from date of purchase; and to supply parts only for the life
of the product to the original purchaser.
This is our sole warranty. It does not cover finish or appearance
items, nor does it apply if the Audibox has been, in ARX’s sole judge-
• Subjected to misuse, abuse, negligence or accident;
• Repaired, worked on, or altered by persons not authorized by ARX,
• Connected, installed, adjusted or used otherwise than in accord-
ance with the instructions supplied by ARX.
This warranty gives you and us specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which can vary from state to state.
As well as the
, ARX manu-
facture other products in the unique
Audibox range:
for balancing
unbalanced signals, and also the
, which will de-bal-
ance a signal when required to con-
nect to an unbalanced input.
is a Dual channel
Unbalanced to Balanced Low Im-
pedance transformer isolated con-
verter, and the
ISO Splitter
is a
transformer isolated 1 input to 2
outputs splitter for splitting 1 input
2 ways in applications where com-
plete Galvanic isolation is required.
Both available in Single Channel or
Double Header format.
Ear Driver
is a Headphone
Amplifier with 2 pairs of Stereo in-
Did you know...
puts each feeding two channels of
headphone level outputs. It has indi-
vidual Level controls plus a 12 -
15VDC power connector. A com-
pact, flexible unit
is a Stereo AudioVisual
Active Direct box, with dual RCA or
stereo mini jack input and dual XLR
outputs. Ideal for interfacing consum-
er audio (especially computer sound
cards) with professional systems.
features include full-
time soft audio ground, –20dB Pad,
plus Phantom or DC power options.
Available in Dual Channel format only
is an Ultra compact Mi-
crophone Pre amp with XLR input,
balanced jack output and 10 to 60dB
Gain control.
Other features include –20dB Pad
switch, Clip LED and Phantom Power
switch, plus DC power connector.
Available in Single Channel or Dou-
ble Header format
For the latest information on the
complete Audibox range, visit our
Using your Audibox
The Pro-DI is a Direct Injection, or
Direct, box. It is a self contained,
stand alone single or dual channel
unit designed to interface unbal-
anced high impedance lines with
Pro DI Specifications
Max Input Level
+12 dB Phantom powered, +8 dB using
12 VDC Power Supply.
Input Impedance
1 Meg Ohm
Max Output Level
+12 dB 10K Ohm load using Phantom power
+11 dB 600 Ohm load using 12 VDC Power
Output Impedance
680 Ohms Balanced
Output Signal to Noise
-100 dB unweighted, -104 dB A weighted
Dynamic Range
112 dB 10K Ohm load using 12 VDC Power
100 Hz 0.0025%, 1KHz 0.0026%,
10KHz 0.0033%
Frequency Response
20Hz to 20KHz, ± 0.2 dB
Gain through Unit
6dB (Normal input, Pad switch out)
Pad Switch
-20 dB attenuation
Speaker Input
-40 dB attenuation, equivalent to 100:1
decrease in input level.
-60 dB attenuation available with Pad switch
Input Connectors
Insulated jacks
Output Connector
3 pin male XLR. Wired Pin 1 Ground, Pin 2 +
Hot, Pin 3 – Cold. Audio Ground (Pin 1) lift
switch fitted
All-steel powdercoated chassis, fibreglass PCB
The Pro DI Duo Dual channel model has identical specifications for each
other end. It has many applications
for Live Sound, Studio or Broadcast
Typical input types are:
• Musical instruments - Bass guitar,
electric guitar, synthesizers, elec-
tronic drums, drum machines
• Consumer audio products - MP3
players, laptop computer sound
cards, CD players, audio from DVD
players, cassette decks, tape decks,
VCR audio and more
Operating instructions
Normal Connection
Plug a jack lead with a high imped-
ance source (instrument, unbalanced
lines or similar) into the Normal In-
put. This will turn the unit on and a
balanced signal will appear at the
XLR Balanced Output on the rear
of the unit. This connects to the In-
put of the mixing console. If the sig-
nal needs monitoring, eg. an onstage
amplifier, then connect a lead from
the Loop Out to the amplifier. Push-
ing the Pad switch IN will reduce the
input level by -20dB if required.
Special Note. The Pro-DI is a Line
level device, so it is not designed to
accept Microphone level signals.
Connection from an Amplifier
For applications where the sound of
the instrument/amplifier combina-
tion is required, connect a lead from
theAux (or External) speaker out-
put on the rear of the amplifier to
professional balanced low impedance
inputs. In other words, it will convert
audio signals from instruments and
consumer electronics into ones that
are happy to travel down a long line
and meet a mixing console at the
the Speaker Level Input (-40dB) on
the Pro-DI. If the signal is still too hot,
then switch the PAD switch in as well
to reduce the input by a further -
Be sure to always use the
speaker output on the
disconnect the
speakers on a valve/tube amplifier.
Output Connections
Connect a balanced microphone lead
from the 3 pin XLR connector on the
Pro-DI to an input channel on the
mixing console. Pushing the Audio
Ground Lift switch IN will isolate the
Pin 1 output of the Pro-DI to stop
Ground Loops if required.
The full-time Soft Ground connection
Grounds both Pin 1 outputs of the
Pro-DI through a resistive network to
prevent Ground Loops.
Power Requirements
The Pro-DI is an active device,
needs power to run. This power can
be supplied 2 ways:
Phantom power:
The Pro-DI will
also run on Phantom power if avail-
able on the console. Switch the Phan-
tom power ON on the channel(s) the
Pro-DI is plugged into, and the Phan-
tom power LED will light up on the
Pro-DI to show that it is running on
Phantom power
• External 12 - 15 V DC power:
The Pro-DI has a DC input connec-
tor for running the unit on an exter-
nal 12 - 15 V DC power supply. Any
12V DC wall connector capable of
supplying 200 mAmps will work, al-
though for greatest headroom we
recommend the Audibox PSU
which can supply 15 V DC to multi-
ple Audibox devices.
Note the wiring of the connector:
the outer sleeve is –, the inner is +.