Using the DI-PLUS-RC
The DI-
is a Direct Injection,
or Direct, box. It is a self contained,
stand alone stereo unit designed to
interface unbalanced high impedance
lines with professional balanced low
impedance inputs. In other words, it
will convert an ordinary signal into
one that is happy to travel down a
long line and meet a mixing console
at the other end. It has many applica-
tions for Live Sound, Studio or Broad-
cast use.
Typical uses are:
• Musical instruments - Bass guitar,
normal guitar, synthesizers, electronic
drums, drum machines
• Consumer audio products - CD
players, cassette decks, tape decks,
video cassette audio, computers.
Operating instructions
Normal Connection
Power Requirements
The DI-
is an active device,
it needs power to run. This
power can be supplied 2 ways:
• Battery power
In a world first for this type of de-
vice, the DI-
is fitted inter-
nally with a State-of-the-Art Nickel
Metal Hydride (NiMH) recharge-
able battery. NiMH batteries do not
suffer from the memory-effect that
plagued earlier Nickel Cadmium
(NiCad) batteries, and gradually re-
duced the amount of power avail-
able after each recharge. If you ever
owned an earlier analog mobile/cell
phone you'd be aware of this un-
fortunate phenomenon.
These new NiMH batteries also fea-
ture extended battery life, to last
through the longest show.
Phantom power
The DI-
will also run on
Phantom power if available on the
mixing console. Switch the Phantom
power ON on the channel the DI-
is plugged into, and the Red
Phantom power LED will light up
on the DI-
. This means the
is now running on the
Phantom power and the batteries
are recharging. If you switch the
Phantom power off the DI-
will revert to battery operation
To obtain warranty service for your DI-
, call or write
to ARX or the dealer you purchased it from. They will give
you the correct address to send your unit to. Have your
sales receipt showing date of purchase handy, and include a
copy with your DI-
. Pack the unit well - we are not
responsible for damage caused by unsuitable packing dur-
ing shipment. Send the unit to us pre-paid, by a delivery
service like FedEx, UPS, or any other service that can track
the shipment. We will return it to you freight paid.
If you have any questions, or any part of this is unclear, please
write to ARX Systems in the country of purchase, or to the
address below.
PO Box 15, Moorabbin, Victoria 3189, Australia.
Phone: +61 (0)3 9555 7859 Fax: +61 (0)3 9555 6747
You can also Email the factory at:
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ARX Systems (ARX) warrants to the first purchaser of this DI-
that it is free from defects in materials and workmanship under
normal use and service. ARX’s sole obligation under this warranty
shall be to provide, without charge, parts and labour necessary to
remedy defects, if any, which appear within twelve (12) months from
date of purchase; and to supply parts only for the life of the product
to the original purchaser.
This is our sole warranty. It does not cover finish or appearance
items, nor does it apply if the DI-
has been, in ARX’s sole
• Subjected to misuse, abuse, negligence or accident;
• Repaired, worked on, or altered by persons not authorized by ARX,
• Connected, installed, adjusted or used otherwise than in accord-
ance with the instructions supplied by ARX.
This warranty gives you and us specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which can vary from state to state.
Max Input Level
+13 dB Phantom powered
+6 dB Battery powered
Input Impedance
1 Meg Ohm
Max Output Level
+12 dB 600 Ohm load Battery or Phantom powered
Output Impedance
680 Ohms Balanced
Output Signal to Noise
-100 dB unweighted
-104 dB A weighted
Dynamic Range
112 dB 10K Ohm load
100 Hz .0027%
10KHz .0037%
Frequency Response
20Hz to 20KHz, ± 0.2 dB
Gain through Unit
6dB (Normal Input, Pad switch out)
Pad Switch
–20 dB attenuation
Speaker Input
–40dB attenuation, equivalent to 100:1 decrease in
input level; –60db atten. available with Pad switch
Input and Loop Out Connectors
Insulated jack
Output Connector
3 pin XLR, wired Pin 1 Ground, Pin 2 +Hot, Pin 3 –
Cold. Global Audio Ground (Pin 1) lift or soft Ground
All-steel chassis, fibreglass PCB
Rechargeable 9V DC NiMH
then connect a lead from the Loop Out
to the amplifier. Pushing the Pad switch
IN will reduce the input level by -20dB
if required.
Special Note.
The DI-
is a
Line level device, so it is not designed
to accept Microphone level signals.
Connection from Amplifier
For applications where the sound of
the instrument/amplifier combination
is required, connect a lead from the
Aux (or External) speaker output on
the rear of the amplifier to the Speaker
Level Input (-40dB) on the DI-
If the signal is still too hot, then
switch the PAD switch in as well to
reduce the input by a further -20dB.
Be sure to always use the
speaker output on the
Never disconnect the
speakers on a valve/tube amplifier.
Output Connections
As well as the DI-
and the
, ARX manufacture
a six channel rack mount AC pow-
ered Direct box:
is a 19” 1 RU AC pow-
ered unit that has 6 independent Di-
rect boxes, each with high imped-
ance Input and Loop out jack con-
nectors, a oo to +15dB level con-
trol, clip LED, balanced XLR output
and individual audio ground lift
switches. It can also function as a 6
into 1 mic or line mixer
at the same
Switches on the rear change it from
a 6 into 1 mixer to a 1 into 6 mic or
line distribution splitter, each split’s
level controlled by the six individual
channel controls.
A true Pro Audio toolbox!
Did you know...
Plug a jack lead with a high imped-
ance source (instrument, unbalanced
lines or similar) into the Normal In-
put. This will turn the unit on and a
balanced signal will appear at the XLR
Balanced Output on the rear of the
unit. This connects to the Input of the
mixing console. If the signal needs
monitoring, eg. an onstage amplifier,
Connect a balanced microphone lead
from the 3 pin XLR connector on the
rear of the DI-
to an input chan-
nels on the mixing console. Pushing the
Audio Ground Lift switch IN will iso-
late the Pin 1 output of the DI-
to stop Ground Loops if required.
To charge from Phantom Power the
needs to be switched on,
i.e. a jack must be inserted into one
of the INPUTS.
This is not required if the unit is be-
ing charged from an external power
supply via the DC jack input.