To obtain warranty service for your Audibox, call, write, or
Email to ARX or the dealer you purchased it from. They will
give you the correct address to send your unit to. Have your
sales receipt showing date of purchase handy, and include a
copy of it with your Audibox. Please pack the unit well - we
are not responsible for any damage caused by unsuitable
packing during shipment. Send the unit to us pre-paid, by a
delivery service like FedEx, UPS, or any other service that
can track the shipment. We will return it to you freight paid. If
you have any questions, or any part of this is unclear, please
write to ARX Systems in the country of purchase, or to the
address below.
PO Box 15,Moorabbin, Victoria 3189, Australia. Phone: +61
(0)3 9555 7859 Fax: +61 (0)3 9555 6747
You can also Email the factory at:
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ARX Systems (ARX) warrants to the first purchaser of this Audibox
product that it is free from defects in materials and workmanship
under normal use and service. ARX’s sole obligation under this war-
ranty shall be to provide, without charge, parts and labour neces-
sary to remedy defects, if any, which appear within twelve (12)
months from date of purchase; and to supply parts only for the life
of the product to the original purchaser.
This is our sole warranty. It does not cover finish or appearance
items, nor does it apply if the Audibox has been, in ARX’s sole judge-
• Subjected to misuse, abuse, negligence or accident;
• Repaired, worked on, or altered by persons not authorized by ARX,
• Connected, installed, adjusted or used otherwise than in accord-
ance with the instructions supplied by ARX.
This warranty gives you and us specific legal rights, and you may also
have other rights which can vary from state to state.
As well as the
, ARX manu-
facture other products in the unique
Audibox range:
for balancing
unbalanced signals, and also the
ISO De-Balancer
, which will de-
balance a signal when required to
connect to an unbalanced input.
is a Dual channel
Unbalanced to Balanced Low Im-
pedance transformer isolated con-
verter, and the
ISO Splitter
is a
transformer isolated 1 input to 2 out-
puts splitter for splitting 1 input 2 ways
in applications where complete Gal-
vanic isolation is required.
Both available in Single Channel or
Double Header format.
Ear Driver
is a Headphone Am-
plifier with 2 pairs of Stereo inputs
each feeding two channels of head-
phone level outputs. It has individu-
al Level controls plus a 12 - 15VDC
power connector. A compact, flexi-
ble unit
I is an ultra compact Ac-
tive Direct box, with normal High Im-
pedance input as well as a separate
speaker level input for connection to
instrument amplifiers.
Other features include –20dB Pad
and Audio Ground Lift switches, plus
Phantom or DC power options.
Did you know...
Available in Single Channel or Dou-
ble Header format
is an Ultra compact Mi-
crophone Pre amp with XLR input,
balanced jack output and 10 to 60dB
Gain control.
Other features include –20dB Pad
switch, Clip LED and Phantom Power
switch, plus DC power connector.
Available in Single Channel or Dou-
ble Header format
For the latest information on the com-
plete Audibox range, visit our web-
Using your Audibox
is a Direct Injection, or Di-
rect, box. It is a self contained, stand
alone stereo unit designed to interface
stereo digital audio with professional bal-
anced low impedance inputs. It will con-
vert computer audio signals into ones that
are happy to travel down a long line into
a mixing console at the other end. It has
many applications for Live Sound, Stu-
dio or Broadcast use.
Plug and Play
If you are running Win XP or Vista, as
soon as you plug the
into a spare
USB port on the computer it will be rec-
ognised as a
USB Audio Device
, and
will be ready straight away.
With Win 98SE, as soon as you plug the
into a spare USB port on the
computer it will be recognised as a
Composite Device
, and the Add New
Hardware Wizard screen will pop up.
Click NEXT on the first 2 screens, put in
the 98SE CD Rom, then select CD Rom
drive on the search screen and click
NEXT. Click Next on the following pop
up screen, then FINISH on the final
It will then install the USB Device driv-
ers, and repeat the install process
for a USB Audio Device.
Operating instructions
Input Connections
Connect the USB connector to the
USB-DI and to the USB port on the
computer. On XP and Vista it will be
available immediately and the LED on
the front of the USB-DI will start to flash.
On 98SE follow the previous instruc-
The Windows default volume setting
for USB Audio Devices is 50% of max-
imum. In many cases this will be too
low, inducing noise and hum as ex-
cessive gain may need to be applied
to deliver the level requireded. We
suggest increasing this volume setting
to 80 or 90%.
No matter which operating system you
are using, once the
is in-
stalled, go to Control Panel, then
Sounds and Audio Devices, then USB
Audio Device, then the Volume tab,
and move the slider to the right. This
will give you the optimum signal to noise
Computers are very electrically noisy
environments, and USB is a very pop-
ular Plug and Play protocol for lots of
Windows devices.
For fastest and quietest audio opera-
tion you
plug the
its own USB port,
not a hub
. Experi-
ment on your computer to find the qui-
etest USB port, and keep it only for the
- don't have anything else on
the same buss.
Otherwise you may get a hissing and
clicking noise every time you move
the mouse, touch the keyboard, or click
on the screen.
Keep mobile/cellular phones well away
(at least 2 metres/8 feet) from the com-
puter and the USB-DI.
The "Dut dut-dah-dut dut-dah-dut dut-
dah-dut" sound of a mobile phone
connecting is not one that audiences
care to hear!
tions. You
need the 98 SE install
CD Rom. Adjust the Audio Level as
described in the Important #1 note
on the previous page.
Output Connections
Connect a balanced microphone
lead from each 3 pin XLR connector
on the USB-DI to a pair of input chan-
nels on the mixing console. Set the
Input Gains on the channels, and Pan
the channels Left or Right as required.
To check that the
is set up
correctly, open your audio software,
ensure that USB Audio Device is se-
lected as the default audio device,
open a music file and play.
That's all there is to it.
Put simply, the
is the USB
pro audio interface that Audio Profes-
sionals have been waiting for!
©2007 ARX Systems Pty.Ltd. ACN 006 471
825. All rights reserved. ARX Systems®
is a Registered Trade Mark.
Latest information updates are al-
ways available on the comprehen-
sive ARX website: