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Artisan Controls Corporation, 111 Canfield Ave., Bldg B15-18, Randolph, NJ 07869
E Event Controller User’s Manual
Page 10
The Configuration window serves multiple functions, changing and enabling the menu access code, setting
the functions of the two switch inputs, and editing the output names. Press the [Configure] button and the
Configuration window appears.
The access control is first, showing the current four digit code
and whether access control is enabled.
The button to the far right is used to enable or disable the access
control, touch it to change it from [
] to [OFF] and vice versa.
Pressing the [Edit] button opens the access code window to
change the current access code. Enter the four digits you want
and then press [ENTER]. The [Clear] button clear any entered
digits, and the red X button exits the window without making
any changes
Main Screen Lock prevents the output states from being
changed, touch it to change it from [
] to [OFF] and vice versa.
The IN1 and IN2 buttons show the functions assigned to the two
switch inputs. Touching these buttons toggles thru their different
[Off] = No function assigned.
[Security] = The input switch must be closed to have access to
the main menu.
[Run/Stop] = The input switch must be closed for all outputs to
run their scheduled events.
The function flags on the main screen indicate whether these
functions are enabled and the state of the input switches. If
neither switch is assigned to security but passwords are enabled
the [
] flag will be displayed but will always be green.
The four buttons on the bottom show the names assigned to
each output. Press any one of them and the output name editing
window appears. Enter up to 7 letters, digits, or symbols and
press [SAVE] to change the output name. This name will now
appear on the main window and any other button associated
with this output.