Appendix for User
Any parts of this product including software and accessories are
powered only by Artech technology design Co., Ltd., (Simplified to
Artech), it may not be used for any other commercial purpose
whatsoever, nor may it be modified, copied, distributed, transmitted,
displayed, performed, reproduced, published, licensed or transferred.
No derivative works may be created from it nor may any information
obtained from it be sold. This manual doesn
’t involve any forms of
guarantee, expression or other instructions. If any direct or indirect
profit lost or any benefit damage caused this manual, Artech or any staff
of Artech will not be responsible for this issue. Moreover, this manual
which refers to the product spec and info only for reference, if any
update or changes will not make notification continuously. If any
mistakes on manual, we are also not hold any responsible for it. 2005
All copyrights and properties are reserved!