The Z8 Encore! XP
F6482 Series Development Kit
Z8 Encore! XP
F6482 Series Development Kit
User Manual
Board Support Package
The ZDS II software download includes a Board Support Package (BSP) that provides an
application programming interface (API) to configure and control select Z8F6482 MCU
peripherals. This BSP API is accessible through a static library linked to customer applica-
tions and is a blend of macros and C functions that facilitate application development by
abstracting direct SFR manipulation from the programmer. Macros provide near-assem-
bly-level access to SFRs without incurring the overhead (i.e., code size and execution
time) of C functions for basic operations (e.g., stopping a timer). More complex operations
are implemented in C functions, thereby eliminating the customer requirement for recreat-
ing code for frequently-used operations (e.g., transmitting a block of data through the
UART under DMA control). By using the BSP library, customers can develop applications
that access Z8F6482 MCU peripherals with only a few function calls, effectively reducing
development effort to a minimum.
The ZDS II software download also includes complete source code to all peripheral
devices supported by the BSP API. Advanced programmers can cut and paste code snip-
pets from the BSP into their own applications, or simply study the BSP source code to
gain a better understanding of the Z8F6482 Series of MCUs.
To learn more about the BSP API, refer to the
F6482 Series Board Support Package Refer-
Supported Operating Systems
The F6482 Series Development Board supports the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit)
Microsoft Windows XP
Download and Install the ZDS II Software and Documenta-
Observe the following steps to install your ZDS II software and documentation.