All dimensions shown in mm unless otherwise stated.
General Site Working
BS 8000 Workmanship on building sites, Parts
13 through to 16 with respect to above ground
drainage and sanitaryware appliances are
relevant in general terms.
Handling and Storage
Gutters, downpipes and fi ttings, particularly with
polyester powder coat fi nish should be handled
with care and preferably stored under cover on
racks to prevent scratching. Whilst not known to
pose any health hazard, it is recommended that
protective gloves be worn when handling mill
fi nish aluminium.
All lengths are supplied in a protective polythene
wrapping with components similarly wrapped
and stored in cardboard boxes. If painted
product is to be stored outside, cover with a
tarpaulin to protect against rainfall and direct
sunlight. Failure to do this may allow water to get
trapped inside the protective wrapper and could
lead to permanent watermarks on the paint fi nish.
Mill fi nish items should be stored under cover to
avoid uneven oxidization prior to be fi tted.
Cutting and Drilling
Downpipe sections may be cut on site using
standard metalworking tools, however the use
of angle grinders is not recommended. Where
downpipes or fi ttings are powder coated, then
cut edges should be de-burred and then
repainted with touch-up paint (available from
Where required, any use of sealant must not be
carried out in wet weather or in temperatures
below 5ºC or above 50ºC. All joint surfaces must
be perfectly clean and dry. Only a low modulus
sealant (ARP Arbosil 1096) must be used to
prevent early failure.
It is important that all fi xings are suitable for both
the substrate and the load. They must therefore
be of the appropriate size and of a compatible
material to ensure no electrolytic corrosion
occurs. ARP recommends that stainless steel
(preferably austenitic) screws must be used to fi x
downpipes or associated components.
Materials Checklist
• Spirit level/straight edge
• Suitable screwdriver/attachment
• Sealant caulking gun
• Pencil or chalk
• String or laser line
• Hacksaw/electric jigsaw/chopsaw
• Tape measure
• Small wrench
Installation Guide
T: 0116 289 4400