User Manual
стр. 2/32
© Armtel
During installation and operation of the product, it is necessary to comply with the
requirements of safety measures defined by local rules and regulations on electrical safety.
For fire safety reasons, the following rules must be observed:
before connecting, check for damage to the insulation of the loop;
avoid damaging the loop.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, it is forbidden:
to change fuses in power supply or phantom power supply circuits without
disconnecting the product from the power source or the central unit;
to operate the product with a damaged power and communication cable.
Connect and disconnect sockets and plugs for connection of a headset, external
microphone, and DIS expansion unit disconnecting the product from the power source or
the central unit.
It is strictly forbidden to disassemble the product connected to the central.
Do not use the product in rooms with high humidity (above 80%) or the presence of
conductive dust.
It is forbidden to supply power to the DIS simultaneously via the main and "phantom"
power supply circuits of the product.
The safety provisions relating to the specific operations outlined in this manual are
indicated by the following sign: