5. Once the battery has been plugged in, you will see the lights on your Trinket
begin to flash. Because all Tinker Tie Trinkets we ship out will be preloaded with
our example sketch, they should begin to project a rainbow pattern a couple
seconds after the battery has been plugged in. If this doesn’t happen, press the
reset button on the back of the Trinket and wait for the device to restart.
6. You’re done! All that’s left to do is tie the bow tie strap around the center of the
Tinker Tie board (we like to also make sure it covers the battery wire) adjust it to
your neck size and wear it! The Tinker Tie can be charged over USB, as well as
programmed to your own custom patterns through the Arduino IDE. Enjoy your
new Tinker Tie and please don’t forget to send us any feedback you have of the
process so we can further improve it beyond Beta!