Digital Key Telephone System
Installation Manual
Issue 1.5
Aria Technologies
7.2.1 Before ADMIN programming
The Aria-24ipe System can be programmed to meet each customer's individual need.
There are two ways in ADMIN Programming.
PC ADMIN ( Refer to the PC ADMIN programming manual.)
DKTU( In this manual we explain DKTU(station 10) in ADMIN Programming):
All programming is done at station 10 (station port # 00) using
-7024D digital key
Additional programming stations may be assigned (PGM 113 – FLEX 1), but only 1 DKTU can be
active in programming mode at any one time.
Upon entering the program mode, the station 10 cannot operate as a normal telephone but as a
programming instrument with all of the buttons redefined.
The keys of the dial pad are used to enter the various data fields and to enter numerical information.
The 24 buttons (located to the right of the Dial pad called ―Flexible Buttons‖) are used to indicate
the specific data field and to enter information.
Sometimes the
[SPEED] or [Delete]
button is used to delete the data or
to indicate end of
data input.
button is used to delete one digit or character from the end of entered digits or