11 IP Tests
11 IP Tests
11.1 IP Ping
In the IP ping test, the ARGUS checks whether it is possible to setup a connection to an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) via an Ethernet connection (IP network) or via an xDSL
connection (over a DSLAM and an ATM network): The ARGUS sends a test packet to a
predefined IP address (remote site) and then waits for a packet in reply. Based on the
received packet, it is possible to evaluate the ATM/IP network availability and delay. It is
also possible to determine the path's maximum data packet size.
The following parameters are required for the IP ping:
Protocol independent parameters
Select a profile for editing. The
selected profile will be marked blue
in the display. The default profile
will be marked in the display with a
. The ARGUS will use the
parameters in the default (preset)
profile to setup the Ethernet or
xDSL connection and for the IP
ping test.
The ARGUS uses the marked
profile as the default profile and
returns to the Settings menu.
Test parameters
IP ping
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