PI1X Basic Programming Manual Ver. 1.10
To switch TextBlock.
File manipulation commands
To open (r) a file and get the header of the file
for further processing.
To open (w+) a file and get the header of the file
for further processing.
To open (r+) a file and get the header of the file
for further processing.
To create a folder.
To delete a folder.
To close a file.
To read a byte from a file.The current position
is updated after reading.
To read a specified number of bytes from a file.
The current position is updated after reading.
Read a line terminated by a null character “\0”
from a file.
To write data to a file.
To check if file pointer of a file reaches end of
To get or move the file pointer position of a file.
To get or change file length of a file.
To get the file error code.
To initiate the file search in disk.
To initiate the advance file search in disk.
To close the file search in disk.
To increase one record on the file end.
To delete the appointed record in the file.
To remove all the record in the file.
To search the designated field. This command
only supports forward search.
To search the designated field. This command
only supports backward search.
To search the designated field.
To obtain the figure of all records in the file.
To read the data of appointed field in the