CLI Manager
• FDL Command
The box has added the expander firmware update through the
CLI on the external RS-232 port. Before you process the firmware
update, there are two block regions that you can update expander
microcode on SAS expander box.
1. CODE region - for FW file : sas3xfwYYMMDD.fw
2. MFGB region - for Data file : mfg12gYYMMDD.dat
To update the expander controller firmware, follow the procedure
all the commands please type in lower case
CLI>fdl { code | mfgb }
Then use XModem/(Checksum) protocol transmit file to update
ROM Region. The following procedures is used to update firmware
through the RS-232:
1. Open any UART communication tools like HypeTerminal(
2. Press any key on HyperTerminal window, the window will show
“CLI>” prompt.
3. Type help will show help screen.
4. One command to update firmware. Step as follow.
5. Issue download & update command under “CLI>”.
CLI>fdl code
Please Use XModem Protocol for File Transmission.
Use Q or q to quit Download before starting XModem.
<-----expander prompt for ready to receive file to update.
6. Then under HyperTerminal program, use the pull down menu
item transfer “Send” -> send files when dialog box prompt,
choose “Xmodem” and the file in the directory then press
(a). If the expander receive the file under the timeout limit
(60s), the process starts.
(b). If time out, please retry the step 5 again.
7. You can also cancel the program step by type ‘q’.