NOTE: If the rocker arm assembly is to be disas-
sembled, label all rocker arms for installing purposes.
If the rocker arms are mixed up, the complete over-
head must be adjusted.
9. After labeling rocker arms and supports, remove
components from the rocker arm shaft.
10. Inspect the wear points on the rocker arm shaft and
using a micrometer, measure the shaft. The measure-
ments must be within specifications.
11. Measure the inside diameter of the rocker arms. The
measurement must be within specifications.
12. Inspect all components for cracks, flaking, galling,
or signs of discoloration.
13. Assemble the rocker arm assembly installing the
rocker arms and supports in the original positions as
removed coating all components with clean engine
oil. Hold components in place with rubber bands.
NOTE: The flywheel end of the camshaft includes a
bolt-on eccentric to drive the lift pump. If the eccen-
tric has been removed, install and tighten the cap
screw to 59 ft-lb.
1. Coat the camshaft journals, lobes, and camshaft
bores in the cylinder head with clean engine oil; then
carefully insert the camshaft into the cylinder head
being careful not to nick or jam journals or journal
2. Install the lift pump eccentric bushing onto the cam-
shaft; then install the camshaft end cover using a new
O-ring. Tighten the cap screws securely.
3. Insert the lift pump push rod and engage the eccen-
tric bushing; then using a new sealing ring, install the
lift pump and tighten the mounting nuts securely.
Table of Contents