Burnishing Brake Pads
After changing brake pads, the new brake
pads must be burnished to achieve full
braking effectiveness. Braking distance
will be extended until brake pads are
properly burnished.
To properly burnish the brakes, use fol-
lowing procedure:
1. Choose an area sufficiently large to
safely accelerate to 30-40 mph (48-
64 km/h) and to brake to a stop.
2. Accelerate to 30-40 mph (48-64 km/h);
then compress brake lever to decelerate
to a stop.
NOTE: Lightly apply the brake lever
to come to an easy stop; do not over-
apply brakes or “lock up” the track.
3. Repeat procedure 10-15 times allow-
ing some cooling between stops.
NOTE: Do not repeat too soon or
too aggressively as to get the brake
disc “red hot.”
NOTE: This procedure stabilizes
the pad material and extends the life
of the pads.
Drive Belt
The drive belt transfers power from the
drive clutch to the driven clutch. If the
belt is worn, cracked, or stretched, maxi-
mum power will not be transmitted and
the belt could also fail and therefore must
be replaced. Periodic checks (at least
once a month under normal usage) of two
drive belt specifications are essential.
NOTE: Drive belts should be pur-
chased from an authorized Arctic
Cat Snowmobile dealer, as Arctic Cat
drive belts are made to exact specifi-
cations and of quality material. Belts
made by other manufacturers may
not be of the same specifications or
quality and, therefore, usage could
result in poor performance and pre-
mature belt failure.
NOTE: Before starting the snowmo-
bile in extremely cold temperatures,
the drive belt should be removed and
warmed up to room temperature.
Once the drive belt is at room tem-
perature, install the drive belt.
Also, new drive belts have a break-in
period of 25 miles (40 km). After install-
ing a new drive belt, drive the snowmo-
bile for 25 miles (40 km) at 3/4 throttle or
less. By revving the engine up and down
(but not exceeding 60 mph [96 km/h]),
the exposed cord on the side of a new belt
will be worn down. This allows the drive
belt to gain its optimum flexibility and
will extend drive belt life.
NOTE: Changing a drive belt can
be done by the snowmobile owner if
qualified to do so. If the owner does
not feel qualified, take the snowmo-
bile to an authorized Arctic Cat
Snowmobile dealer for this service.
This service is at the discretion and
expense of the snowmobile owner.
1. Set the brake lever lock; then
remove the left-side access panel.
2. Thread the Belt Removal/Installa-
tion Tool
(not included with the
clockwise into the
driven clutch until the movable
sheave opens far enough to remove
the drive belt. Remove the belt and
the tool.
If this procedure is done using a
shielded jack stand, be sure the oper-
ator is wearing the tether in case the
snowmobile falls from the stand.
Do not attempt sudden stops or put
yourself into a situation where a sud-
den stop will be required until the
brake pads are properly burnished.
Never run the engine with the drive
belt removed. Excessive revving of the
engine could result in serious engine
damage and drive clutch failure.