3. Look through the clear side of the
fuse to see if the element inside is
burned or separated. If it is, the fuse is
blown and should be replaced with a
fuse of the correct amperage rating.
4. Install the fuse block cover and close
the access panel.
Even after replacing a fuse, it may con-
tinue to blow if the cause of the overload
is not determined. If the fuse continues to
blow, take the snowmobile to an autho-
rized Arctic Cat Snowmobile dealer for
service. If not under warranty, this ser-
vice is at the discretion and expense of
the snowmobile owner.
Brake System
Arctic Cat recommends that the brake
system (brake lever, fluid reservoir, hose,
caliper, pads, and brake disc) be checked
daily for fluid leakage, wear, or damage
and for proper operation. Also, the brake
fluid level must be checked every time
before starting the engine.
Checking/Adding Brake
1. With the brake fluid reservoir in a
level position and the cover
removed, check the fluid level. The
brake fluid level must be at the high
brake fluid mark in the reservoir.
2. If the brake fluid is below the high
brake fluid mark, add Arctic Cat-
approved DOT 4 brake fluid until
the fluid is at the recommended
level. Install and secure the reservoir
cover. Do not allow moisture to con-
taminate the brake system.
Changing Brake Fluid
The brake fluid must be changed on a
regular basis and whenever the brake
fluid has been overheated or contami-
nated. The brake fluid should be changed
every 1000 miles (1600 km) or at the end
of the snowmobiling season, whichever
occurs first. Take the snowmobile to an
authorized Arctic Cat Snowmobile dealer
for this service. This service is at the dis-
cretion and expense of the snowmobile
Checking Brake Lever
Before each use, check the brake lever
travel using the following procedure:
1. Compress the brake lever fully.
Always replace a fuse with one hav-
ing the same specified amperage rat-
ing. Using a fuse with a higher rating
can cause severe wire damage and
could start a fire.
DO NOT operate the snowmobile
when the brake lever lock is engaged
or when any component in the brake
system is damaged, worn, or
adjusted improperly. If the snowmo-
bile is operated and the brake system
is not functioning properly, severe
personal injury could result.
Brake fluid is highly corrosive. Do not
spill brake fluid on any surface of the
Do not overfill the brake fluid reser-
voir. Overfilling the reservoir may
cause the brake system to hydrauli-
cally lock. Use only Arctic Cat-
approved DOT 4 brake fluid. Never
substitute or mix different types or
grades of brake fluid. Brake loss can
result. Brake loss can result in severe
injury or even death.