33. Apply a thin coat of Three Bond Sealant to the mating
surfaces of the cylinder heads.
34. Lubricate the camshaft journals and lobes with engine
oil; then place the valve cover into position.
NOTE: At this point, the rocker arms and adjuster
screws must not have pressure on them.
35. Install the top side cap screws with rubber washers;
then install the remaining cap screws. Tighten only
until snug.
36. In a crisscross pattern starting from the center and
working outward, tighten the cap screws on both valve
covers to 8.5 ft-lb.
37. Adjust valve/tappet clearance (see Periodic Mainte-
38. Place the tappet covers into position on the valve
cover making sure the O-rings are properly installed.
Tighten the cap screws to 9 ft-lb.
39. If removed, install the spark plugs. Tighten securely.
Left-Side Components
NOTE: For efficiency, it is preferable to remove and
disassemble only those components which need to be
addressed and to service only those components. The
technician should use discretion and sound judgment.
NOTE: The engine/transmission does not have to
be removed from the frame for this procedure.
Removing Left-Side
A. Magneto Cover/Stator Coils
B. Water Pump
C. Shifter Assembly
D. Rotor/Flywheel/Starter Clutch
E. Speed Sensor/Trigger Assembly
1. Remove the cap screws securing the magneto cover to
the crankcase; then remove the magneto cover.
Account for the gasket.
To service any one specific component, only limited dis-
assembly of components may be necessary. Note the
AT THIS POINT information in each sub-section.