Options List
signify a problem with the system
notify that some needed system maintenance was performed
notify that someone has logged on to the system
Traps, or notifications, are generally sent to an IP address of a computer running SNMP management
software. The NTP/PTP Server can store up to three separate target IP addresses.
Enabling SNMP Service and Configuring SNMP Traps
To configure snmp, open your web browser and log in to the NTP/PTP Server.
Note: SNMP cannot be
configured using the SSH Console.
Select “SNMP” on the left and “Configure” tab at the top. Figure B.19
illustrates a list of selection boxes to configure your snmp service and traps. At the bottom are three boxes
for IP addresses designated as trap receivers, where trap messages may be sent.
SNMP Configuration Reference
Listed below are the configurable options available for snmp traps. Trap events will only be sent out if the
Trap Receivers are selected and identified by a valid IP address.
Enable SNMP Service
: Select this item to make the snmp service active.
Enable SNMP Traps
: Select this item to make any snmp trap active.
Enable System Start
: notifies when the “System” (i.e. NTP/PTP Server) starts up.
Enable System Stop
: notifies when the “System” (i.e. NTP/PTP Server) stops.
Enable Admin Login
: notifies when someone logs in to the NTP/PTP Server.
Enable Admin Logout
: notifies when someone logs out from the NTP/PTP Server.
System Time Quality
: notifies when the time quality changes.
System Time Set
: notifies when the system locks to the GNSS after being turned on.
System Time Change
: notifies when the clock gets adjusted at some time after being initially
Zero Satellites Visible
: notifies when the clock loses lock.
NTP Application Start
: notifies when NTP service starts.
NTP Application Stop
: notifies when NTP service stops.
PTP Application Start
: notifies when PTP service starts.
PTP Application Stops
: notifies when PTP service stops.
SNMP Application Start
: notifies when SNMP service starts.
SNMP Application Stop
: notifies when SNMP service stops.
Trap Receivers
: Select this item to enable SNMP to send messages to snmp receivers.
IP Address 1
: Type in the IP address of snmp receiver number 1.
IP Address 2
: Type in the IP address of snmp receiver number 2.
IP Address 3
: Type in the IP address of snmp receiver number 3.